

Affinity to the People of MAO Zedong's View of Literature and Art and Its Practice
摘要 毛泽东文艺观是对工农兵群众现实生活及其未来形态进行想象、颂扬、描摹的人民文艺观。这种文艺观动态地发展了马克思主义文艺理论,赋予马克思主义文艺理论及其审美取向以时代活力和中国特色。毛泽东人民文艺观深刻地影响着现代中国文艺事业的历史走向。在新民主主义革命时期和新中国成立初期,毛泽东的文艺观体现为对20世纪以来形式文艺观的批判以及对人民性文艺话语及其审美规范的建构,将投身于革命运动和救亡图存的工农兵群众塑造为歌颂和赞扬的文艺对象。这种致力于工农兵群众的文艺理念,在审美实践中展现出共性与个性、公共利益与私人利益的内在统一性。毛泽东文艺观既为文艺的革命化打开了无比辽阔的发展空间,又为新生的社会主义文艺事业开辟出极其宝贵的想象空间。 MAO Zedong's view of literature and art is people's view of literature and art that describe and praises the real life of workers,peasants and soldiers,and also imagine their future forms.This view of literature and art has developed Marxist theory of literature and art by endowing it with vitality of the times and Chinese characteristics.MAO Zedong's view of literature and art has profoundly influenced the development trends of moder Chinese literature and art.During the new democratic revolution and the early days of new China,Mao Zedong's literary and artistic views were embodied in the criticism of formalist views of literature and art that formed in the 20th century and the construction of the discourse of affinity to the people and its aesthetic norms.It takes the masses of workers,peasants,and soldiers who have devoted themselves to the revolutionary movement and the salvation of their survival as objects of praise.This concept of literature and art is established for the masses of workers,peasants and soldiers,showing an internal unity of commonness and individuality,public interests and private interests in aesthetic practice.MAO Zedong's view of literature and art opened up not only a vast space for the revolutionization of literature and art,but also an extremely valuable imagination space for the new socialist literature and art.
作者 田重 包大为 Zhong TIAN;Dawei BAO(Zhejiang University)
出处 《马克思主义美学研究》 2022年第2期117-130,468-469,共16页 Research on Marxist Aesthetics
基金 “浙江大学2021年度马克思主义学院研究生科研支持计划”(myjs2021-10)的阶段性成果
关键词 毛泽东 文艺观 人民性 审美实践 Mao Zedong literature and art affinity to the people aesthetic practice
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