

The normative logic of leaving blank in the legislation of civil disputes:a sociological study of the leap from custom to customary law
摘要 《民法典》第十条作为立法留白的兜底条款,在司法适用中产生了重要的规范性和指引性作用。但第十条司法适用习惯的启动条件和公序良俗判定习惯的具体标准成为必须回答的关键问题,即司法在什么时候适用习惯,习惯与作为法源的习惯法之间的公序良俗距离该如何跨越。通过对四川泸州二奶“遗赠案”和浙江杭州情人“财产案”进行“社会本位”和“个体本位”双向均衡的法社会学理论再审视,建议在具体个案中,建构与生命权相关“个体优先社会递补”和与非生命相关“社会优先个体递补”的逻辑原则,并在案件情境、范围标准和筛查机制等三重维度上对公序良俗审视习惯的价值顺序进行恰当判定和选择。最终在司法规范和个案实践上,实现从习惯到习惯法的第一步跨越和司法者以直接或者间接引用习惯法的方式从强化裁决思维到落实裁决行动的第二步跨越,以为个体行为和社会行动提供可预期、可持续、可有效的规范性依据。 Article 10 of the Civil Code,as a cover clause for legislative leave,has played an important normative and guiding role in judicial application.But the key questions that must be answered are the starting conditions for the application of customs in the judiciary and the specific standards for determining customs in public order and good customs,which are when the judiciary applies customs,and how to bridge the distance between customs and customary law as the source of law.Through a re examination of the legal sociology theory that balances“social standard”and“individual standard”in the“bequest case”of a mistress in Luzhou,Sichuan and the“property case”of a lover in Hangzhou,Zhejiang,it is recommended to construct the logical principles of“individual priority social compensation”related to the right to life and“social priority individual compensation”related to non life in specific cases,and in the context of the case Appropriately judge and choose the value order of public order,good customs,and examination habits from the triple dimensions of scope standards and screening mechanisms.Finally,in terms of judicial norms and case practice,the first step from custom to customary law and the second step from strengthening adjudication thinking to implementing adjudication actions by the judiciary in the way of directly or indirectly citing customary law will be realized,so as to provide predictable,sustainable and effective normative basis for individual behavior and social action.
作者 李佳飞 Li Jiafei
出处 《民间法》 2023年第2期300-318,共19页
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“中国共产党领导立法的系统研究”(项目编号:21XFX014)
关键词 民法典 立法留白 习惯法 公序良俗 Civil code Legislative blank Customary law Public policy
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