
铸牢中华民族共同体意识视域下《考古学通论》课程思政实践路径研究——以“元代也迷里古城遗址考古”为例 被引量:1

Research on the Ideological and Political Practice Path of the Course "General Archaeology" from the Perspective of Building the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community——with the Archaeological Dig of Yuan Emil City as Example
摘要 《考古学通论》课程是高校面向考古学、历史学、文物与博物馆学等专业开设的核心课程,在对考古学基本理论方法和具体考古遗存概况的讲授过程中,可以将铸牢中华民族共同体意识作为课程思政内容融入其中,引导学生把握考古学精神,理解文明的进程,加强对社会发展的科学认识。本文以“元代也迷里古城遗址考古”一节内容为例,明确课程的专业目标是使学生能够全面系统了解也迷里古城遗址的考古发掘和历史研究的成果,掌握考古发掘的方法和原则,认识朝代更迭、历史发展的客观规律。思政育人的目标是通过讲述元代重视城市建设,分析其对于农耕定居生活的认同和重视,促进了文明的传承和发展;城市布局体现了元朝统治者继承了唐宋以来中原典型建城理念,反映了蒙古族统治者对于中原文化、华夏文明的认同;窝阔台汗时期,重用耶律楚材,推行“以儒治国”思想和创办国子学,其对儒家思想的认同是中华民族所具有的共同民族基因与文化认同的表现;建立“汉军万户”制度体现了中华民族的历史是各民族共同创造的历史;也迷里古城及周边元朝遗址中大量青花瓷片的出土,说明了元朝西域百姓对于青花瓷的喜爱,是中华民族具有的共同文化记忆与审美情趣的表现。由此将考古学课程与课程思政有机结合,使铸牢中华民族共同体意识“润物无声”传播至青年学子心中。 General Archaeology is a core course for archaeology,history,cultural relics and museology in colleges and universities.This paper takes the section"Archaeology of Emil Ancient City Site of the Yuan Dynasty"as an example,and clarifies that the professional goal of the course is to enable students to comprehensively and systematically understand the results of archaeological excavation and historical research of Emil Ancient City Site,master the methods and principles of archaeological excavation,and understand the objective laws of the change of dynasties and historical development.The layout of Emil ancient city reflects that the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty inherited the typical concept of building a city in the Central Plains since the Tang and Song Dynasties,and reflects the Mongolian rulers’recognition of the Central Plains culture and Chinese civilization;During the period of Okhetai Khan,he put Yelüchucai in the important position,promoted the idea of"governing the country with Confucianism"and founded Royal School.His recognition of Confucianism is the expression of the common national gene and cultural identity of the Chinese nation;The establishment of the"Han military nobilities"reflects that the history of the Chinese nation is a history created jointly by all ethnic groups;Also,a large number of blue and white porcelain pieces were unearthed inside and outside of the old city,indicating that the people in the Western Regions of the Yuan Dynasty loved blue and white porcelain,which is a manifestation of the common cultural memory and aesthetic taste of the Chinese nation.Therefore,the archaeology curriculum is organically combined with the ideology and politics of the curriculum,so that the sense of building a solid Chinese national community is spread to young students by"permeating things silently".
作者 侯明明 HOU Mingming
出处 《西部蒙古论坛》 2022年第3期3-9,125,共8页 Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies
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