
遵循经济规律 促进共同富裕

Following Economic Laws and Promoting Common Prosperity
摘要 实现共同富裕,必须自觉遵循经济规律,既要有明确的奋斗目标,又要有科学的实施方法,因而是一个长期而艰巨的历史过程。在经济规律体系中,每一种经济规律的地位是不同的,其中基本经济规律和主要经济规律具有决定性作用。现实表明,促进全国人民的共同富裕既要遵循基本经济规律,又要遵循主要经济规律,并且使它们相互促进和有机结合。在社会主义初级阶段,所有制结构规律和收入分配规律是相互作用和有机结合的,它们从多种所有制经济共同发展和合理调整收入分配这两个方面,合力推动着共同富裕的实现。在社会主义市场经济中,价值规律和价值增值规律是促进生产力发展的动力和形式,是实现按劳分配和按生产要素分配的客观依据,是增加财富积累和实现共同富裕的直接动力,也是改革和完善社会主义市场经济体制的根本要求。 To achieve common prosperity,we must consciously follow the economic laws and have both a clear goal to strive for and a scientific method of implementation,so it is a long-term and arduous historical process.In the system of economic laws,the status of each economic law is different,among which the basic and main economic laws play a decisive role.The reality shows that promoting the common prosperity of the whole nation should follow both the basic economic laws as well as the main economic laws,and make them mutually reinforcing and organically integrated.In the primary stage of socialism,the law of ownership structure and that of income distribution are mutually interacting and organically integrated.They work together to promote the common prosperity with Chinese characteristics in two aspects,namely common development of diverse ownership economies and reasonable adjustment of income distribution.In a socialist market economy,the law of value and that of value appreciation are the driving force and method for promoting the development of the productive forces,the objective basis for realizing distribution according to labour and factors of production,the direct driving force for increasing wealth accumulation and achieving common prosperity,and the fundamental requirement for reforming and improving the market-economy system.
作者 陈承明 Chen Cheng-ming
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期19-24,108,共7页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
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