
马克思主义美好生活观的内在机理及其当代价值 被引量:2

The Inner Mechanism and Contemporary Value of Marxist View of Good Life
摘要 马克思主义自诞生以来,就把实现人的美好生活作为其价值追求。中国特色社会主义新时代,人民对美好生活的向往日益强烈,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴,坚持把实现人民对美好生活的向往作为现代化建设的出发点和落脚点。马克思在劳动实践中总结出了关于美好生活的价值指向,即价值基础为美好生活孕于现实世界之中,价值追求是适度满足人的正当需要,价值原则是劳动创造美好生活,而价值旨归是促进人的全面发展。马克思主义美好生活观立足于辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,通过对本体性价值满足与社会性价值满足、物质生活与精神生活、个人价值与社会价值、奉献他人与享受快乐有机统一与协调发展进行辩证分析,全面彰显了美好生活观的内在机理。马克思主义美好生活观对全面推进中国式现代化,化解社会多元价值的冲突矛盾,指导中国人民树立正确幸福观,满足新时代人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要具有深刻的理论意义和现实启发,这也是马克思主义思想具有强大生命力的体现。 Since its birth,Marxism has taken the realization of a better life as its value pursuit.In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the people are increasingly yearning for a better life.Marx summed up the value orientation about the good life in the labor practice,that is,the basis of value is that a better life is conceived in the real world,the pursuit of value is to moderately meet the legitimate needs of people,the principle of value is that labor creates a better life,and the purpose of value is to promote the all-round development of people.Marxist concept of a better life fully demonstrates the inner mechanism of the concept of a better life through dialectical analysis of the organic unity and coordinated development of ontological value satisfaction and social value satisfaction,material life and spiritual life,individual value and social value,dedication to others and enjoyment of happiness.The Marxist concept of a better life is of profound theoretical significance and practical inspiration for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,resolving the conflicts and contradictions of social pluralistic values,guiding the Chinese people to establish a correct concept of happiness,and meeting the people's ever-growing needs for a better life in the new era.It is also the embodiment of the strong vitality of Marxist thought.
作者 毛文璐 Mao Wenlu
出处 《思想理论战线》 2023年第2期28-36,140,共10页 Front of Thought and Theory
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目“新时代党员干部理想信念教育常态化制度化研究”(22YBA358)
关键词 马克思 美好生活观 内在机理 当代价值 Marx view of a better life inner mechanism contemporary value
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