
基于数据挖掘分析国医大师刘尚义教授防治新型冠状病毒肺炎用药特点 被引量:3

Data Mining Research on the Treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019 by Chinese Medical Master of Professor LIU Shangyi
摘要 目的分析探讨国医大师刘尚义教授治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎用药规律,从而总结刘尚义教授治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎临证经验,为新型冠状病毒肺炎中医临床辨证论治提供相关依据及思路。方法筛选因新型冠状病毒肺炎就诊于贵阳将军山医院住院患者52例,提取患者信息及相关数据,应用古今医案云平台V2.1软件建立医案数据库,将录入的医案采用医案标准化模块处理后,采用频数分析、关联规则分析等进行分析汇总。结果共录入医案225例,其中52例为原始病例(男20例,女32例),其余173例为复诊调方病例。症状频次由高到低依次为发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、舌红、全身酸痛、脉数、苔黄腻等。用药频次由高到低依次为北沙参、玉竹、石斛、苍术、贯众、石菖蒲、泽兰等。证候类型包括阴虚毒热证、阴虚肺燥证、肺阴亏虚证、湿毒内蕴证、少阳证、气阴两虚证、肺肾亏虚证、肺脾气虚证。涉及治则治法频次由高到低依次为养阴解毒、滋阴润肺、滋养肺阴、化湿解毒、和解表里、益气养阴、补益肺肾、疏肝健脾。结论将导入的医案进行数据挖掘分析得出刘尚义教授治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎的核心药物、治则治法及临证思路等,总结出"养阴解毒"的核心治疗法则,故其治疗多用"养阴解毒"之品,这为贵州省新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊疗提供中医方面依据。 Objective Applying the V2.1 software of the cloud platform of ancient and modern medical records,this paper analyzes the law of the treatment of corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19)by professor LIU Shangyi,a master of national medicine,to summarize the clinical experience of professor LIU Shangyi in the treatment of COVID-19,to provide relevant basis and ideas for clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment of COVID-19.Methods Screening for 52 COVID-19 hospitalized patients in Guiyang Jiangjunshan hospital.And establishing medical record database using V2.1 software of ancient and modern medical record cloud platform,then multiple statistical methods such as frequency analysis and association rule analysis were used to analyze and summarize these datas.Results A total of 225 medical records were recorded,of which 52 were original cases(men 20 and women 32),while the remaining 173 cases were referred back to the doctor.The core symptoms of COVID-19 were fever,dry cough,fatigue,sore throat,reddish tongue,whole body aches,yellow fur,or yellow greasy,pulse number,etc.The frequency of drug use from high to low were Beishashen(Glehniae Radix),Yuzhu(Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma),Shihu(Dendrobii Caulis),Cangzhu(Atractylodis Rhizoma),Guanzhong(Dryopteridis Crassirhizomatis Rhizoma),Shichangpu(Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma),Zelan(Lycopi Herba).Syndrome types included Yin deficiency and toxin heat syndrome,Yin deficiency and lung dryness syndrome,lung Yin deficiency syndrome,dampness toxin intrinsic syndrome,Shaoyang syndrome,Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome,lung kidney deficiency syndrome,lung spleen Qi deficiency syndrome.Therapeutic principles and methods were extracted nourishing Yin and detoxifying,nourishing Yin and moistening lung,nourishing lung Yin,resolving dampness and detoxifying,reconciling exterior and interior,supplementing Qi and Yin,tonifying lung and kidney,soothing liver and strengthening spleen.Conclusion Based on the data mining,we analysised professor LIU Shangyi’s core medicine,treatment principle and clinical treatment of COVID-19 were obtained.Summarized"nourishing Yin and detoxifying"core treatment rule,this provides the basis for the treatment of COVID-19 in Guizhou province.
作者 李娟 杨柱 吴文宇 唐东昕 LI Juan;YAGN Zhu;WU Wenyu;TANG Dongxin(First Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550002,Guizhou,China)
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2021年第7期103-107,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 贵州省高层次创新型人才培养计划(百层次)(黔科合人才[2016]4032号) 贵州省中医肿瘤传承与科技创新人才基地(黔人领发[2018]3号) 贵州省中医肿瘤传承与科技创新人才团队(黔科合平台人才[2020]5013)
关键词 数据挖掘 刘尚义教授 新型冠状病毒肺炎 养阴解毒 临证经验 国医大师 data mining professor LIU Shangyi corona virus disease 2019 nourishing Yin and detoxifying clinical experience master of Chinese medicine
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