

A Study of the Tombstone of Zhang Xi,Sub-prefect of Penghu,Taiwan Prefecture of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 张玺墓碑刻立于同治十一年(1872)。该碑原立于沁阳市西万镇校尉营村西南张氏祖茔张玺墓前,1977年搬迁至城区东南隅的天宁寺旧址古代石刻保护区。碑文简要记载了张玺的生平。张玺27岁中乾隆壬申科举人,初任陕州学正,由保举任福建南靖知县,后升台湾府分府——澎湖通判。碑载张玺任职台湾时,正值林爽文义军刚遭清军镇压之际,民心惶惶。为安定民心,张玺深入乡村,鼓励百姓发展农业生产,稳定百姓生活。仅用一年时间,就使百姓内心满意并感到宽慰,受到绅民"送万人衣伞"之爱戴。碑文所载部分内容,可与道光《河内县志》、光绪《漳州府志》、《台湾通志》、《澎湖续编》等方志相互印证、补充和纠误。碑文所涉林爽文事件,有助于研究清乾隆时期的社会、政治和经济。张玺作为河南怀庆府河内县人,受清廷派遣任台湾府澎湖通判,为进一步证明台湾自古就是中国领土提供了更加充实的实物资料。 Erected in the 11th year of the reign of Emperor Tongzhi,the tombstone of Zhang Xi was originally located at the cemetery of the Zhang family,in front of Zhang’s tomb,and it was moved to the Conservation Area for Ancient Stone Carvings based on the site of the Tianning temple in 1977.The tombstone records Zhang’s life and career.According to the record,Zhang Xi passed The Imperial Civil Examination at the age of 27,in 1752.He was first was appointed as the prefectural school supervisor in Shan-zhou,and then served as the Sub-prefect of Penghu.He first arrived at Taiwan just after the suppression of the rebellion of Lin Shuangwen.To stabilize people’s hearts,Zhang visited villages frequently and encourage the villagers to develop agricultural production and in only one year the locals had revitalized.Some contents of the record can confirm or correct the records of local chronicles such as the Annals of Henei County.The record concerning the rebellion of Lin is helpful for the study of the society,politics and economy of the Qinlong period of the Qing dynasty.As a native of Henei County in HUaiqing prefecture of Hean,Zhang Xi was appointed as an official of Taiwan by the Qing dynasty,which suggests that Taiwan has been part of China.
出处 《洛阳考古》 2021年第1期83-87,共5页 Archaeology of Luoyang
关键词 清代 张玺 台湾 澎湖 墓碑 Qing dynasty Zhang Xi Taiwan Penghu tombstone
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