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4FROSCHL MERLE,,NICHOLS RODNEY W.Early childhood science education and the workforce of tomorrow[]..2004
5Jenny Cumming.Do Runner Beans Really Make You Run Fast? Young Children Learning About Science-Related Food Concepts in Informal Settings[J].Research in Science Education.2003(4)
6FROSCHL MERLE,,NICHOLS RODNEY W.Early childhood science education and the workforce of tomorrow[]..2004
7Korpan,C.A,Bisanz,G.L,Bisanz,J,Lynch,M.A.CHARTS:a tool for surveying young children‘s opportunities to learn about science outside of school[].Centre for Research in Child Development University of Alberta Technical Report.1998
8James Kisiel.An Examination of Fieldtrip Strategies and Their Implementation within a Natural History Museum[].Sci Ed.2006