

Further Exploration of the Gonghe Regency
摘要 “共和行政”有“共伯和行政”和“周公、召公行政”两种记载,“共伯和行政”是历史真相。共伯和乃卫国公室之人,封于卫国的共邑,属于周厉王、卫釐侯之世。古本《竹书纪年》所谓“共伯和干王位”属西周旧史,是直书;《春秋历谱谍》《史记》所谓“周公、召公行政”属后世修史,是曲笔,二者皆本于正统观而笔法不同。共伯和没有真正成为周王,而是临时摄政,在动乱平息后,周人又以火旱灾异为由,迫使其还政于周宣王。周人认为共和行政的14年间,应归属于周厉王纪年,故可认为周厉王在位51年。中国有确切纪年的历史可以自共和元年上溯至周厉王元年。两周时期,宗法制与正统观对历史当事者的命运及其历史评价,发挥着重大影响。 The Gonghe Regency was an interregnum period in Chinese history from 841 to 828 BC,which fell under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.Regarding the specifi c ruler,historical records have two versions:one is Gongbo He,and the other is the Duke Ding of the Zhou Dynasty and the Duke Mu of Shao.The former is more likely to be true though.Gongbo He was a member of the imperial kinsmen of the State of Wei who was enfeoff ed with Gongyi of the state.He was a family member of King Li of Zhou and Duke Xi of Wei.According to the Bamboo Annals,“Gongbo He served as regent”.This book describes the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty,so it is highly reliable.“The Gonghe Regency ruled by the Duke Ding of Zhou and the Duke Mu of Shao”recorded in the Spring and Autumn Historical Genealogy Records and the Records of the Grand Historian was compiled by later generations,so it may not be fact.Both the two versions are orthodoxy though their descriptions differ.Gongbo He didn’t ascend the throne but acted as regent.After the rebellion was quelled,the people of Zhou forced him to concede the power to King Xuan of Zhou because under his regency,there were frequent fi res and draughts.The people of Zhou believed that the 14-year Gonghe Regency should be under the reign of King Li of Zhou,so King Li was thought to be on the throne for 51 years.The time when China had exact annals thus dates back to the fi rst year of King Li of Zhou,earlier than the fi rst year of the Gonghe Regency as generally recognized.During the Western and Eastern Zhou dynasties,the patriarchal clan system and orthodoxy had a signifi cant impact on the fate of the parties concerned and their posthumous evaluation.
作者 程平山 Cheng Pingshan
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期4-20,219,共18页 Historical Research
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