
明代顺天府地区巡检司的设置、演变与分布研究 被引量:2

Research on the Establishment,Development Process and Spatial Distribution of Xunjiansi in Shuntian-fu during M ing Dynasty
摘要 巡检司是明代维护基层治安的重要机构,顺天府地区作为明代的首善之区和边关重地,前后共设置了22个巡检司。通过对这些巡检司的设立时间、裁革时间、衙署驻地及治所迁移情况进行详细考证,发现这些巡检司大多分布在长城沿线重要的关口或运河沿线主要的节点附近,其中最重要的地方有两处,分居京师东西两翼,分别在京师西部山区和京东运河沿线。这两条线关系着京师西部的治安和东部的漕运,因此一直受到重视,巡检司分布得较为均衡,且长期稳定。从数量上看,明初洪武年间巡检司较少,永乐年间设置的巡检司最多,并奠定了此后顺天府地区巡检司分布的基本格局。弘治末年至正德初年,巡检司数量达到最高峰。此后由于国家财政的困难,巡检司在嘉靖年间被大量裁革,它们对基层的控制也日渐式微。 Xunjiansi(Department of Touring and Inspection)w as an important organization in charge of keeping order and public security of base-level communities in M ing Dynasty.Shuntian-fu covered not only the capital city and its vicinity,but served as a border stronghold w ith strategic importance as w ell.There w ere 22 Xunjiansi ever set under Shuntian-fu in different periods.By studying the timing of their establishment and revocation,location of their seats,and their relocation history in detail,w e noticed that most Xunjiansi clustered near important passes and fortresses along the Great Wall or near important intersections along the Grand Canal.Tw o most significant clusters of Xunjiansi w ere on the flank of the capital city.They w ere located in the mountainous region to the w est of Beijing and along the Grand Canal to the east of Beijing respectively.These tw o lines had great significance for the public safety in w estern Beijing and river transportation in eastern Beijing,so they received constant high attention from the court.Xunjiansi along these tw o lines w ere relatively evenly distributed and stable in long run.The number of Xunjiansi in Shuntian-fu w as low during the reign of Hongw u Emperor of early M ing Dynasty.The number began to increase in the reign of Yongle Emperor and the overall distribution pattern of Xunjiansi in Shuntian-fu w as thence established.During the late reign of Hongzhi Emperor and early reign of Zhengde Emperor,the number of Xunjiansi in Shuntian-fu reached its peak.After that,the number of Xunjiansi in Shuntian-fu remarkably declined during the reign of Jiajing Emperor because of the empire’s financial difficulties.This led to the gradually w eakening control over base-level communities from Xunjiansi.
作者 田海 Tian Hai(College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《历史地理研究》 2019年第1期83-98,162,共17页 The Chinese Historical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金重点课题“基于《水经注》的华北地区自然景观演变过程重建及其人类影响机理研究”(41230634).
关键词 巡检司 演变 分布特征 顺天府 明代 Xunjiansi development process distribution characteristics Shuntian-fu Ming Dynasty
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