

The Background of Wei Meng’s and Wei Xuancheng’s Poetry and Treating Chinese Classics as Poems
摘要 韋孟和韋玄成是西漢《魯詩》學的著名代表,其傳世之作也每每體現了他們的經學家身份,研究者往往將二者互證。然考察韋孟《在鄒詩》之"我之退征,請於天子"後,容易發現這個説法與漢初諸侯國之官制多有齟齬,故該詩可能並非韋孟所作。《諷諫詩》究竟是否韋孟所作,自班固起已有懷疑,除了詩中塑造韋孟的忠謇形象與史實並不相符外,該詩與韋玄成《自劾詩》、《戒示子孫詩》某些方面的高相似度,也遠非模仿與借鑒所能解釋。尤可注意者,《自劾詩》與《諷諫詩》中多次化用《尚書》、《周易》等經典之句,可見諸經被確立崇高地位後,内部形成了一個封閉的體系。詩人的目的並非單純地言志抒情,而是要重新組合經典爲己所用。在此過程中,文本有了新的指向並獲得了新的生命力。 Wei Meng韋孟and Wei Xuancheng韋玄are well regarded Lu shi魯詩scholars from the Western Han dynasty.Their poems also demonstrate their identity as classicists.In later scholarship,Wei Meng and Wei Xuancheng are often juxtaposed to highlight these achievements.An examination of"Zai zou shi"在鄒詩(Poem Written in Zou),a poem commonly attributed to Wei Meng,however,will reveal that Wei's reputation of being a classicist and a poet has to do with the bureaucracy of Han dynasty principalities and consequently testifies against his authorship.Furthermore,the authorship of"Fengjian shi"諷諫詩(An Irony Poem),another poem famously attributed to Wei Meng has also been questioned since Ban Gu班固in the Eastern Han dynasty.Wei's loyal figure depicted in the poem is different from historical records,,and this poem also shares a high degree of similarity with Wei Xuancheng's"Zihe shi"自劾詩(A Self reflection Poem)and"Jie shi zisun shi"戒示子孫詩(A Poem of Admonishment to the Descendents),which is beyond the explanation of imitation.In particular,"A Self reflection Poem"and"An Irony Poem"quoted classics Shang shu尚書(Book of Documents)and Zhou yi周易(Book of Change)frequently,which shows a closed system within the established classics.The purpose of a poet,I argue,is more than lyricism,but to recompose classics toward his own use in which texts are given new directions and new life.
作者 胡旭 劉美惠 Hu Xu;Liu Meihui
出处 《岭南学报》 2019年第1期87-104,共18页 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies
关键词 韋孟 韋玄成 經學 Wei Meng Wei Xuancheng Chinese classics poetry








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