
情景交融與古典詩歌意象化表現範式的成立 被引量:2

Qing jing jiaorong(Fusion of Scene and Emotion)and the Formation of an Image Paradigm in Classical Chinese Poetry
摘要 "情景交融"雖爲學界所通用,但却是一個相當模糊而理解多歧的概念,除了指示一種抽象狀態的結果外,並未提供什麽可供闡發、引申的理論線索,以致學界的定義長久以來一直停留在"情與景合,景與情合"的俗套表達上。本文認爲,情景交融作爲標誌着古典詩歌抒情藝術之成熟的美學特徵,是在特定審美意識和寫作策略的主導下逐漸被許多作者共同遵循、實踐並達致理論自覺的一種詩境構成模式,其結構特徵取決於作者們共同遵循的寫作範式。相關的概念還有寓情於景、借景言情、化景物爲情思、以景結情等等,它們分别負載着不同時代的詩論家對情景問題的關注。對這些命題的全面梳理,也就是對古典詩歌中情景關係的歷時性考察。本文从考察"情景交融"概念的由來入手,試圖通過對中古詩歌中情景關係的歷時性分析,説明"情景交融"的意象結構方式是在中唐詩歌意象化表現逐渐定型的背景下形成的。 Qing jing jiaorong情景交融(fusion of scene and emotion)has been widely used in the area of Chinese studies,but it is an extremely ambiguous concept that has been understood in various ways.Aside from indicating the effect of an abstract condition,it does not provide any clues for interpretation or theoretical extension,insofar as its definition has stagnated at trite expressions such as"feeing merging with the scene"or vice versa.This paper postulates the concept,"fusion of scene and emotion,"is not only an aesthetic development that marks the maturity of the lyrical art in classical Chinese poetry,but also a paradigm of forming the poetic context that poets self consciously followed and practiced on the theoretical level under the guidance of certain aesthetic consciousness and writing strategy.Analogue to"fusion of scene and emotion"are concepts such as"projecting emotion into the scene,""expressing emotion through the scene,""transforming the scene into emotion,"and"connecting the scene to emotion,"which reflect many generations of theorists’concern with scene and emotion in poetry.This paper conducts a comprehensive review of these concepts.Through a diachronic investigation on the relationship between scene and emotion in classical Chinese poetry,this paper argues that the"fusion of scene and emotion"paradigm of forming the structure of the image gradually developed alongside the shaping of the imagistic expression in the mid Tang dynasty poetry.
作者 蔣寅 Jiang Yin
出处 《岭南学报》 2019年第1期1-31,共31页 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies
关键词 情景交融 意象化 寫作範式 定型 中唐詩 Fusion of Scene and Emotion Image Paradigm Mid Tang Dynasty Poetry
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