
医养结合中社工介入多专业合作机制研究 被引量:2

Social Workers’ Intervention in the Integration of Health and Elderly Care: A Interdisciplinary Collaboration
摘要 医养结合政策落地急需多部门、多专业的协同合作。社会工作作为医养结合体系中的主要力量,急需探索多专业合作机制,既促进医养结合的落地,又推动社会工作扎根本土。研究发现,社工介入医养结合多专业合作过程包括七个阶段:(1)寻找服务对象;(2)建立专业关系;(3)"医疗—护理—社工"综合需求评估;(4)制定综合服务介入计划;(5)综合服务介入;(6)多角度评估服务成效;(7)结案。社会工作在多专业合作的服务不再是专业自身内部的问题,而是涉及如何通过多专业、多部门之间的合作实现多方协同发展的问题,这就要求社会工作者要以服务对象在日常生活中的多元需求为介入取向,注重多元合作和延伸转换。 The implementation of the health and elderly care integration urgently requires multi-departmental and interdisciplinary collaboration.Social workers need to explore an interdisciplinary collaboration mechanism to implement the integration of health and elderly care as well as enhance the foundation of social work,a major force of the integration system.Results show that social workers’intervention in this process includes seven stages:clients seeking,a professional relationship building,comprehensive assessment of"medical care,nursing and social work needs",intervention plan making,intervention,multi-angle evaluation of the intervention and case closing.This is no longer an issue within social work itself,but an issue that calls for multi-departmental and interdisciplinary collaboration.It then requires social workers to focus on the multiple daily needs of their clients and emphasis on multi-party collaboration.
作者 罗敏敏 LUO Minmin(College of State Govemance,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《老龄科学研究》 2021年第1期44-55,共12页 Scientific Research on Aging
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目“社区为本的医养结合服务体系实现机制研究”(2019QNSH36)
关键词 医养结合 多专业合作 社会工作 integration of health and elderly care interdisciplinary collaboration social work
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