
中原地区夏商时期社会变迁的生业经济基础 被引量:1

The Livelihood Economic Basis of the Social Changes in the Central Plains During the Xia and Shang Dynasties
摘要 夏商时期是中华文明由多元逐渐走向一体格局历史过程的关键阶段。为了更加深入认识这一阶段社会变迁的过程,本文系统梳理了河南境内夏商时期相关遗址先民与动物的碳、氮稳定同位素数据,在分析先民食物结构和家畜饲养方式的基础上,形成了有关中原地区生业经济的整体性认识。在此基础上,我们结合相关研究讨论了以生业经济为代表的生产力的提升在社会变迁,尤其是夏商王朝建立与发展过程中的作用。我们认为,中原地区夏商时期继承了龙山晚期开启的农业经济复杂化的生业传统,农业经济的持续繁荣为中华文明由万邦林立的多元格局向夏商王朝国家的演进提供了坚实的生业基础。我们指出,青铜时代世界体系为中华文明带来了新的物种、技术和知识,这些新的生产力要素传入之后又在中国相互作用圈文化传统和信仰系统的影响下经历了本土化过程。其中,青铜被政治权力垄断成为建立与巩固礼制规范、凝聚人心、保障财富的再分配的道具,牛、马的饲养与畜力开发助力王权实现财富(包括人与物品)在较大地域范围内快速流通,推动更大区域的文化整合与族群融合。也就是说,生业经济的繁荣、牛马畜力开发与青铜冶铸业等生产力层面的变革助力夏商王朝的诞生与快速发展。 The legendary Xia and Shang Dynasties is a key historical stage in which Chinese civilization had gradually evolved from pluralism to integration.In order to further understanding the tremendous social,cultural and political changes,stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data of human and animals of the relevant sites in present Henan province are summarized before re-analysis for an overall understanding of subsistence economy in the Central Plains.Also,the relationship between productive forces development,in terms of farming,animal exploitation,as well as bronze industry,and social change is also discussed.We argue that,the complex agricultural system formed during the Longshan period,maintained a trend of continuous development during the Xia and Shang Dynasties.The agricultural economy had supported social change and the evolution of Chinese civilization from the diversified pattern to the wide area state-level polities of Xia and Shang Dynasties.We hypothesize that,the development of productive forces,including subsistence and bronze casting technologies,was stimulated by cultural exchanges between the East and the West,and that the exotic domesticates,technologies and knowledge had experienced adaptive transformation under the influence of local cultural traditions developed by Chinese interaction sphere.Among them,bronze,with other luxury goods,weapons,and sacrificial animals,had been monopolized by political elites and become a prop for establishing and consolidating etiquette norms,strengthening group cohesiveness,and ensuring the redistribution of wealth.Cattle and horse husbandry and traction exploitation had helped the governors carry out the rapid circulation of wealth,and had promoted cultural integration and ethnic integration in a much broader region.In other words,the prosperity of the subsistence economy,the development of cattle and horse husbandry and exploitation,the bronze industry and other productivity changes had sustained the origin and rapid development of the wide area state-level polities of the Xia and Shang Dynasties.
作者 陈相龙
出处 《南方文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期203-213,202,共12页 Cultural Relics in Southern China
基金 国家重点研发计划“中华文明起源进程中的生业、资源与技术研究”(课题编号:2020YFC1521606)阶段性研究成果
关键词 中原 夏商时期 社会变迁 生业经济 The Central Plains The legendary Xia and Shang Dynasties Social changes Subsistence economy
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