
日本科学史家山田庆儿及其对科学史的贡献 恭贺山田庆儿九十岁诞辰

Japanese Historian of Science Yamada Keiji and His Contributions to the History of Science To congratulate the 90th birthday of Yamada Keiji
摘要 日本著名科学史家山田庆儿(1932—)以其卓越的学术成果,获得诸多重要的奖项和荣誉,蜚声海内外,更是受到中日科学史界同行的尊重。自20世纪60年代以来,他持续发表高水平的专著、译注和编著,其内容涉及中国传统天文历法、本草医学、自然哲学,以及西学东渐下的明清科技史和宋代理学家的宇宙论、自然观等。在中国传统科学技术史、科学思想史、社会史等研究方面,成就斐然。作者从研究范式的视角,对他在中国科学技术史研究领域取得的成就加以探析。认为他开启了中国科学思想史研究的新时代;开创了中国医学史研究方法论的新纪元;奠定了日本学者对中国西学东渐研究之基础;其学术成就为我们从不同视角重新思考中国传统科技的发展提供了诸多可资借鉴的方法和视角。 Yamada Keiji(1932—),the world-famous Japanese historian of science, who has won many important awards and honors with his outstanding academic achievements, is respected by his peers in the field of history of science in China and Japan. Since the 1960 s, he has continued to publish high-level monographs, translations and edited books on traditional Chinese astronomy and calendars, herbal medicine, natural philosophy, as well as the History of Science and Technology in the Ming and Qing dynasties under the gradual advancement of Western learning and the cosmology and Nature View of Song dynasty rationalists.He is an accomplished researcher in the History of traditional Chinese Science and Technology, the History of Scientific Thought and Social History. This article explores his achievements in the study of the History of Science and Technology in China from the perspective of research paradigms. The article concludes that he has ushered in a new era in the study of the History of Chinese Scientific Thought;that he has ushered in a new era in the methodology of the study of the History of Chinese Medicine;that he has established a precedent for Japanese scholars in the study of China’s Western learning;and that his scholarly achievements have provided us with many methods and perspectives from which to rethink the development of traditional Chinese science and technology from different perspectives.
作者 宝锁 BAO Suo
机构地区 内蒙古师范大学
出处 《科学文化评论》 2022年第3期86-97,共12页 Science & Culture Review
基金 国家社科基金西部项目“边疆开发视域下的内蒙古计量标准化历程研究”(项目编号:21XZS026) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“海上丝路与中国古代科技向日本传播研究”(项目编号:17BZS123) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(项目编号:2019PJC070)
关键词 山田庆儿 科学史研究 学术贡献 科学思想史 Yamada Keiji study of the history of science academic contribution history of scientific thought
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