

An Exploration of Yan Fu’s Philosophy of Language
摘要 严复是中国近代语言哲学史上一位重要的思想家,其《英文汉诂》是一部可与《马氏文通》相媲美的语言哲学名著,二著并驾齐驱,同被梁启超誉为“文典学”之椎轮。此外,其语言哲学思想在诸如《穆勒名学》《名学浅说》《政治讲义》等著作中都得到很好的呈现。要言之,严复在中国语言哲学史中的贡献主要有如下几个方面:其一,强调了语言作为人的本质规定性方面的意义(“人所以能为人者,在能言语”),其关于语言本质的观点几与西方语言学家赫德、洪堡特等人接近;其二,分析了中西语言的异同,并提出了“即异观其同”的语言学习方法;其三,阐述了其地理语言学视域下的文谱观,凸显了语言受具体的地理背景、社会条件和文化语境影响的观点,其文谱观是他对人类语言形式与人类思维形式、逻辑形式思考的集中反映;其四,关注到了语言与民族精神之间的内在联系,他虽然承认中华语言形式影响了中国人对“自然之道”的追求,但秉承“国语者,精神之所寄”的观点,强调中国语言与中华民族精神的关系是末与本、器与道的关系,因而否定尊国语与爱国之间存在必然的联系;最后,论证了界说之于中国语言哲学的必要性和紧迫性,体现了同一律和矛盾律的内容和要求,为中西思想文化交流、中国近代语言哲学的发展进步作出了重要贡献。一言以蔽之,“深得中西文字三昧”的严复,无愧为中国近代语言哲学史上的一位伟大的语言哲学家。 Yan Fu is an important thinker in the history of modern Chinese philosophy of language,and his English Grammar Explained in Chinese is a famous work of linguistic philosophy comparable to Ma Jianzhong’s Chinese Grammar.In addition,his philosophy of language has also been well presented in his Chinese translations of A System of Logic,Deductive and Inductive and Primer of Logic as well as his work Lectures on Politics.In summary,Yan Fu’s contribution to the history of Chinese philosophy of language mainly includes five aspects.First,he emphasized the significance of language as the essential characteristic of human beings.Second,he analyzed the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western languages,and proposed the language learning method of“observing similarities based on differences.”Third,he expounded his view of grammar from a geo-linguistic perspective,emphasizing the view that language is influenced by specific geographical backgrounds,social conditions,and cultural contexts.His view of grammar is his concentrated reflection on the forms of human language,thought,and logic.Fourth,he paid attention to the innate relationship between language and national spirit,and emphasized that the relationship between the Chinese language and national spirit is one of branch and root,and of instrument and the Way,denying that there is an inevitable relationship between respect for the national language and patriotism.Fifth,he demonstrated the necessity and urgency of definition in Chinese philosophy of language,reflected the content and requirements of identity and contradiction,and made an important contribution to exchanges between Chinese and Western thought and culture,as well as to the development and progress of modern Chinese philosophy of language.
作者 彭传华 Zhu Yuan(译) Peng Chuanhua;Zhu Yuan(Research Institute of Philosophy and Ancient Chinese Classics at Ningbo University;School of Foreign Languages at Renmin University of China)
出处 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2022年第4期86-96,190-201,共23页 Confucian Academy
基金 2018年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国语言哲学史(多卷本)”(项目批准号:18ZDA019)阶段性成果
关键词 严复 语言哲学 《英文汉诂》界说 文谱 Yan Fu philosophy of language English Grammar Explained in Chinese definition grammar
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