本文为比较文学中的一个部门翻译研究设计了一个科学的框架,即按照协同学(Synergetics)对于激光发生之系统机制的解释,对翻译过程给出了一个微观结构的科学模型。按照这个模型,翻译过程中能量源是学科任务或个人爱好等,二子系统分别为出发语言文本和译者对目的语言的把握以及一般文学修养等。在翻译过程中,以上两个子系统在外部能量的激励下产生激荡,交互作用,特别是产生了“自组织”现象,并遵从“钱氏通感”理论指引而取得相干性。最后,产生一定质量的译文。该模式的特点是对于译品质量的考核予以特别的关照。笔者认为,“译事三难信、达、雅”而雅为上。作为实例,举出了由笔者从德文译为中文的畅销书《朗读者》(Der Vorleser)进行论证。实际上,早先已有翻译学上的“功能学说”颇为支持这一见解。以上的协同模型则提供了形成并考核“雅为上”的阐述原理和科学机制。
Comparative literature is active as a cutting-edge field.Studying comparative literature means that we consider literature from different genres,locations,languages,and time periods simultaneously.Comparative literature also thinks across different intellectual disciplines(philosophy,sciences,technologies etc.).Bearing a fascinating character of interdisciplinary,it provides a test base for the newest weapons from our knowledge arsenal.Finally,comparative literature is also the de facto home of literary translation across different speeches.This thesis explores a scientific pattern(a formal model)of Comparative Literature focusing on the mental behavior and formal process of translation.A kind of Synergetic Model is designed and dedicated to examine how the ability of an excellent translator is related to infinitely superior understanding of the source language and his second to none native command of the target language.We argue that the translator’s mastering the peerage of his/her mother tongue will positively correlate with the best quality of the translation.
Comparative Literature and Transcultural Studies