

Overview and Prospects of Xi Jinping Thought on the CPC’s Inner Political Ecology since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
摘要 十八大以来,习近平就党内政治生态提出来了一系列新理念、新论断、新要求,逐渐形成了内涵丰富、外延宽泛、思想深邃、体系完备的党内政治生态思想,由此也掀起了学界的研究热潮。学界以习近平关于党内政治生态一系列重要论述为研究的逻辑起点,在丰富内涵、逻辑理路、创新价值、当代启示等方面展开了较为系统且全面的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。但是,从目前的研究现状看,习近平党内政治生态思想研究的系统性、整体性的程度仍需提升,许多方面还需要进一步深化和完善。下一步,应注重对习近平党内政治生态思想的精细化、专题性研究,增进对习近平党内政治生态思想的学理性分析,应着力论证习近平党内政治生态思想内在的逻辑性与科学性,进而彰显其思想的理论价值和实践伟力。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new concepts,deduction and requirements on the Communist Party of China(CPC)inner political ecology,which has gradually formed the thought with rich connotation,extensive extension,profound philosophy and complete system on the Party’s inner political ecology.This has also stimulated the upsurge of academic research.The academic circles started with a series of Xi Jinping’s important talks on the Party’s political ecology construction as the logical starting point of the study.A systematic and comprehensive study has been carried out on its connotation,logic,innovative value and contemporary enlightenment of Xi Jinping’s thought on political ecology,and fruitful results has been achieved.However,in terms of the current research situation,overall and systematic research of Xi Jinping thought on the Party’s political ecology still needs to be further deepened and improved.For the next stage of research,attention should be paid to the meticulous and thematic research of Xi Jinping thought on the Party’s inner political ecology,and the scientific and rational analysis on it should be enhanced.Efforts in the research should be made to demonstrate the inherent logic and scientific nature of Xi Jinping thought on the Party’s political ecology,and then to demonstrate the theoretical value and practical power of the thought.
作者 齐高龙 杜一民 QI Gaolong;DU Yimin(School of Political Science and Public Administration,Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,Shandong,China)
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第5期56-62,共7页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“世界社会主义格局变化与中国特色社会主义创新发展研究”(18JJD710004) 山东大学政治学与公共管理学院研究生科研基金资助项目“习近平党内政治生态思想研究”(SDZG2019010105)
关键词 习近平 十八大 党内政治生态 政治文化 政治建设 Xi Jinping the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Party’s inner party political ecology political culture political construction
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