文学作品的重译是文学翻译史上较为常见的一种现象。“重译假设”的基本逻辑是:相比初译,重译更接近于原文风格。本文以Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban在中国的重译为个案,选取郑译本(2000)和马译本(2009)为研究语料,运用Python数据爬取、语料库和文本细读等量化和质性研究方法,对比分析郑译本和马译本在词汇、句法等层面所表现出的不同译文风格,考察初译和重译与原文风格的接近程度,进而证实或证伪“重译假设”。研究发现,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban的重译并没有比初译更接近原文风格,“重译假设”有待进一步验证和完善。
Retranslation of literary works is a common practice in the history of literary translation.ªRetranslation hypothesisºholds that stylistic features of retranslation are closer to those of the original literary work than its first translation.The study aims to testify or falsify the hypothesis via the case study of the retranslation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Chinese mainland.With the help of the quantitative data and through close readings of both the original text and its two translations,this paper concludes that in terms of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,the stylistic features of its retranslation in Chinese are not closer to those of the original than its first translation.It argues thatªretranslation hypothesisºneeds verifying and improving.
WANG Haizhu;WANG Hongtao
Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies