

Evaluation Effect of National Natural Science Foundation of China Based on SCI Database
摘要 为正确认识和评价我国国家自然科学基金(national natural science foundation of China,NSFC)资助项目的科研产出绩效,本研究采用文献计量学方法,依据CNKI和SCI数据库收录论文信息,对2006-2015年间NSFC资助发表水稻领域论文的产出情况、学术影响力及核心作者、发文单位/机构等方面进行计量分析。主要研究结果如下:(1)2006-2015间,基于CNKI和SCI数据库,NSFC资助发表的水稻论文呈逐年上升趋势,由2006年449篇增长至2015年2463篇;(2)其中,CNKI数据库收录水稻NSFC论文共5710篇,SCI数据库收录水稻NSFC论文共7027篇;(3)水稻NSFC论文中,被SCI数据库收入的论文所占比例快速上升,由2006年0.4上升至2015年69.4%;(4)水稻NSFC-SCI论文分散规律符合布拉德福定律。大部分论文刊载在少量(n=27/种)的核心期刊上;(5)水稻NSFCSCI论文(n=3965/篇,59.1%)主要发表在影响因子介于2~5之间(2≤IF<5)的期刊上,同时此区间期刊数(n=468/种,47.6%)及论文总被引频次排名第一(n=78731/次,52.6%);(6)平均发表论文最多(14.1篇/种)的期刊影响因子介于5~7之间(5≤IF<7),篇均被引频次、刊均被引频次最高期刊的影响因子均在20以上(20≤IF);(7)根据普赖斯计算方法,累计发表NSFC-SCI论文5篇以上者(以通讯作者为研究对象)为核心作者,共有238位,其中最高产出者(n=44/篇)为中国农业科学/南京农业大学万建民;(8)共有2170余家单位/机构参与水稻NSFC-SCI论文的研究,发文量排前5名的单位/机构包括中国科学院、南京农业大学、浙江大学、中国农业科学院及华中农业大学。 To evaluate the performance output of National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),the rice-related articles funded by the NSFC from 2006 to 2015 were collected from the database of CNKI and SCI.We investigated the characteristics of Chinese rice research based on the bibliometric indicators referring to the year distribution,characteristic of IF,citations and journals,and institutional and individual research productivities.The main results are as follows.i)From 2006 to 2015,the number of rice-related articles funded by the NSFC increased from 449 in 2006 to 2463 in 2015 according to the CNKI and SCI databse;ii)There were 5710 and 7027 rice-related articles in CNKI and SCI database,respectively,among the ten years;iii)Moreover,the rice-related NSFC-SCI articles increased rapidly with the percentage from 0.4 in 2006 to 69.4 in 2015;iv)Following the Bradford’s law,a large number of articles were distributed in small amount of core journals whereas a smaller number of articles in larger number of other journals;v)The major NSFC-SCI articles(n=3965,59.1%)were published in journals with the 2≤IF<5,among which the number of journals and the total citations were also the largest;vi)The largest number of articles per journal were published in journals with the 5≤IF<7,while the highest average citations per article and journals were found in journals with the 20≤IF;vii)The teams of Zhang QF from Chinese Academy Agricultural Science/Nanjing Agricultural University produced the most rice-related NSFC-SCI articles;viii)The Chinese Academy of Science was the organization with the most records,followed by the Nanjing Agricultural University,Zhejiang University,Chinese Academy Agricultural Science,and Huazhong Agricultural University.
作者 王彩红 邬亚文 王磊 阮刘青 Wang Caihong;Wu Yawen;Wang Lei;Ruan Liuqing(Center for Scientific and Technical Information,China National Rice Research Institute,Hangzhou 310006,China)
出处 《科技通报》 2020年第11期114-122,共9页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 ISTIC-Clarivate Analytics科学计量学联合实验室开放基金 中国科协“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”项目(项目编号PIIJ 2-C-32) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(项目编号2017RG007-2)
关键词 科学基金 水稻 SCI 绩效分析 science fund rice SCI performance evaluation
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