

Technical Pharmacological Logic and the Dual Trend of Knowledge——To Understand the Development Trend of Contemporary Capitalism from the Western Left-wing Theory
摘要 知识的传播与技术的发展是当代资本主义社会孕育出的孪生兄弟,二者对于理解当代资本主义发展趋势缺一不可。贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒从技术与人的角度,分析了技术药理逻辑,表明信息网络技术乃是一把双刃剑;生命认知资本主义理论分析了知识的公有制、公开性趋势与资本主义不断将其私有制、商业化的趋势之间此消彼长的发展历程;在此基础上二者都提出了今天资本与技术的发展中蕴含着的解放性与替代资本主义的因素。这两种理论对于把握资本主义当今现实与未来发展趋势都有重要意义,但都难逃乌托邦与空想的结局。 This era, under the shepherd of capital, is an era in which information network technology absolutely controls people. Some Western scholars call this an “era of absolute nihilism”. Bernard Stigler analyzed the pharmacological logic of technology from the perspective of technology and human, and showed that information network technology is a double-edged sword. The theory of bio-cognitive capitalism analyzes the development course between the tendency of public ownership and openness of knowledge and the tendency of capitalism to continuously make it private ownership and commercialization.On this basis, both put forward the liberating and alternative capitalist factors in the development of capital and technology today. On this basis, both put forward the liberating and alternative capitalist factors in the development of capital and technology today. These two theories are of great significance to grasp the current reality of capitalism and the future development trend, but they can’t escape the end of utopia and utopia.
作者 马丽娟 Ma Lijuan(College of Marxism,Jiangsu Normal University Xuzhou 221116,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《科学.经济.社会》 2023年第1期72-84,共13页 Science Economy Society
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“《资本论》的历史科学视域研究”(18CKS001)
关键词 贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒 技术毒性逻辑 技术药性逻辑 知识公有制趋势 认知资本主义私有制趋势 Bernard Stigler the logic of technology toxicity the logic of technology medicine the trend of knowledge public ownership the trend of cognitive capitalist private ownership
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