
嘉陵江流域石窟寺分期研究 被引量:2

The Periodization of the Cave Temples in the Jialing River Valley
摘要 嘉陵江流域石窟寺数量众多,据不完全统计,现存石窟寺地点1702处,龛窟7804个,造像10696身,其中有明确纪年的石窟达239龛窟。通过纪年石窟材料,将嘉陵江流域石窟寺分为四期七段。第一期为南北朝后期,是嘉陵江流域石窟寺的起源和初步发展阶段。形制有三壁三龛式窟、佛殿窟、圆拱形深龛、小型浅龛四种。造像题材以佛教为主,有部分道教石窟。第二期为隋至晚唐,是嘉陵江流域石窟寺发展成熟并形成"唐风"的时期,也是该流域石窟寺发展的第一个高峰期。第三期为唐末、五代至两宋。其中唐末、五代至北宋前期属于石窟寺的转型时期,以中小型龛为主,龛形简单,题材常见各类菩萨和经变,造像组合较为简单。部分造像延续了晚唐时期的颓势,同时出现了新的风貌,表现为造像丰满圆润,婉约细致。北宋中期至南宋末是嘉陵江流域石窟寺艺术发展的第二个高峰时期,在风格上完成了由"唐风"向"宋风"的转型,形成鲜明的宋代风格和地域特征。单层方形平顶龛最为常见,造像题材方面显示出佛、道、儒合一和世俗化特点。题材内容丰富多样,造像组合复杂,造像水平很高,身体修长,比例适当,服饰华美,神态安详。第四期为元、明、清及民国时期,是嘉陵江流域石窟造像的衰落期。窟龛数量极多,但形制趋于简陋,很少装饰,常见观音和各类民间俗神造像。 There are large amounts of stone cave temples and shrines in the Jialing River valley;an incomplete statistics showed that there are 1702 localities of stone cave temples in this area,including 7804 caves and shrines and 10696 statues,in which 239 caves and shrines have exact dates.Based on the data of the dated caves and shrines,the cave temples and shrines in the Jialing River valley are divided into four phases and seven stages.Phase I is the later stage of the Northern-and-Southern Dynasties Period which is the originating and preliminary developing period of the cave temples;the cave temple types of this phase included caves with three shrines on three walls,Buddha hall caves(chaitya),arch-shaped deep shrines and small-sized shallow shrines,four types in total.The motifs of the sculptures of these caves and shrines are mainly that of Buddhism,plus some Taoist motifs.Phase II is from the Sui to the late Tang Dynasties which is the fully developed period and the first climax of the cave temples in this area.Phase III is from the end of the Tang Dynasty via the Five-Dynasties Period to the end of the Song Dynasty which is the second climax of the cave temples in this area.During this phase,the cave temples completed the change from the "Tang Style" to the "Song Style" and formed clear local features.From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the early Northern Song Dynasty is the transitional period of the cave temples in this area;the main forms of the cave temples are medium-and small-sized shrines in simple shapes,the motifs of the sculptures in which are bodhisattvas of various types and sutra narrative illustrations,the assemblages are simple.Some sculptures succeed the declining trend of the late Tang Dynasty,but new styles and features also appear;the statues are plump and fleshy and carved finely.From the mid Northern Song Dynasty to the end of the Southern Song Dynasty which is the second climax of the cave temple art,and the transformation from the Tang Style to the Song Style is completed in this stage,while distinct local features are formed.The most popular cave temple type of this stage is square single-storied shrine with flat roof,and the sculpture themes show the confluence of Buddhism,Taoism and Confucianism,as well as the trend of secularization:the motifs are rich and diversified,the statue assemblages are complicated and the sculpturing skills are superb:the statues have slender bodies,suitable proportions,elaborately decorated costumes and calm miens.Phase IV is the period including the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Minguo(Republic) Era which is the declining phase of the cave temple sculpturing.Caves and shrines of this phase have very huge number,but the structures are simple and coarse,barely decorated,the most common motifs are Guanyin(secularized Avalokite?vara Bodhisattva) and the figures of other folk deities,the making of which are rather poor.
作者 蒋晓春 雷玉华 聂和平 Jiang Xiaochun;Lei Yuhua;Nie Heping
出处 《考古学集刊》 2019年第1期190-238,29-34,共55页 Archaeological Collectanea
基金 国家社科基金项目“嘉陵江流域石窟寺研究”(11XK003)的资助
关键词 四川 嘉陵江流域 石窟寺 南北朝时期 唐宋时期 Sichusn Jialing River Valley Cave Temples Northern-and-Southern Dynasties Period Tang and Song Dynasties
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