
周廷遗妃与献妇功 被引量:2

The Widowed Royal Consorts of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Presentation of Womanly Works
摘要 根据金文史料研究西周历史,关注前朝的事务当然非常必要,但与此同时,对周廷后宫情况的研究也不可或缺。事实上就一部完整的西周史的重建工作而言,后宫的历史与前朝的历史不仅同样重要,而且其内容也极为丰富。有关周廷后宫的研究,其尤为关键者则是揭示相关的制度问题。本文结合金文与文献史料,首先讨论了西周太后和遗妃的称谓制度。周王健在,王后尊其王称,于女姓之前冠以"王"字;周王身后,立庙措主而称帝,王后成为太后,故其称谓则尊其宗庙之称,于女姓之前冠以"帝"字。周王遗妃的称谓也必一并改变,尊宗庙之三虞制度而称"庚",于"庚"后缀以女姓,而遗妃所居之宫则称为"庚宫"。本文同时考证了器主商所作器物的铭文,重建了周廷遗妃之妇功制度及相关官制系统。本文的探索对全面认识西周的历史与制度,特别是周廷后宫制度具有重要的意义。 To study the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty,it is indeed necessary to pay attention to the affairs of the outer court(political quarter),but it is also inevitable to study the situation of the inner court(harem) of the Western Zhou royal court.In fact,for the reconstruction of a complete history of the Western Zhou Dynasty,the history of harem is not only the same important as that of the outer court but also has rich contents.The specially key issue of the researches on the harem of the Western Zhou Dynasty is the revealing of the relevant systems.Referring to the bronze inscriptions and historical writings,this paper first discusses the style system of the queen dowager and widowed royal consorts.When the king was alive,to respect his title,his wife was addressed by her maiden name with the prefix of "Wang(King)";after the death of the king,his spirit tablet was set in the ancestral temple,his title was changed into "Di(Supreme Being)",and his wife became queen dowager,so she would be addressed by her maiden name with the prefix of "Di ".Meanwhile,the styles of the widowed consorts of the late king would also be changed;according to the rule of "san yu(three sacrificial ceremonies of repose)" in the ancestral temple,they would be addressed by their maiden names with the prefix of "Geng",and their residences would be called as "Genggong ".Then,this paper also examines the inscription of the bronzes made by Shang(the name of the owner),and restores the womanly work system of the widowed royal consorts of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the relevant official system.The exploration of this paper is significantly meaningful for the comprehensive understanding to the history and institutions of the Western Zhou Dynasty,especially the harem system of the Western Zhou court.
作者 冯时 Feng Shi
出处 《考古学集刊》 2019年第1期102-114,共13页 Archaeological Collectanea
关键词 西周 后宫 太后 遗妃 妇功 Western Zhou Dynasty Harem Queen Dowager Widowed Royal Consorts Di(Posthumous Title of Kings) Geng (Style for Widowed Royal Consorts) Womanly Works
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