The transition of carbon intensive sectors serves as the key pillar in the process of achieving carbon neutrality.As an effective supplement,transition finance operates on the points that cannot be covered by green finance.Using the climate and environmental analysis tools and methods,we identify and quantify the credit risk and the probability of default caused by climate and environmental factors in the coal industry.We also establish an appropriate transition finance framework to coordinate with enterprises’low carbon transition while managing credit risk,to improve banks’credit risk management oriented by low climate and environmental risk,meanwhile controlling the risk exposure of carbon intensive assets effectively,and to promote green product innovation and capital allocation efficiency.We aim at supporting and accompanying the coal enterprises to develop long-term climate transition and become more environmentally friendly.Based on the sustainable development goal,help carbon intensive sectors reduce pollution through technological progress or industrial upgrading and enhance low-carbon and green economy.
Development Finance Research
Carbon Intensive Sectors
Transition Finance
Credit Risk Management