
基于物联网技术勘察现场质量管理信息平台的应用研究 被引量:1

Application Research of Survey Site Quality Management Information Platform Based on Internet of Things Technology
摘要 如何有效控制勘察现场钻探、取样、标准贯入试验和重型动力触探质量是一关键技术难题。该文基于4G通讯、物联网、云存储等现代信息技术和现行国家相关技术标准,研发了勘察现场质量管理信息平台,通过物联网连接钻探设备上的传感器,实现了钻探、取样、标准贯入试验和动力触探试验数据的实时采集、远程无线传输、云存储和异地客户端显示。有效地解决了钻探作业全过程实时数据采集和质量信息化监管,确保钻探数据源的可靠性、真实性。 How to effectively control the quality of drilling,sampling,standard penetration test and heavy dynamic penetration in the survey site is a key technical problem.Based on the 4G communication,internet of things,cloud storage and other modern information technologies and current national relevant technical standards,this paper develops a survey site quality management information platform,which connects the sensors on the drilling equipment through the internet of things to realize the real-time acquisition,remote wireless transmission,cloud storage and remote client display of drilling,sampling,standard penetration test and dynamic penetration test data.It effectively solves the problems of real-time data acquisition and quality information supervision in the whole process of drilling operation,and ensures the reliability and authenticity of drilling data sources.
作者 戴一鸣 韩中阳 余昌蔚 Dai Yiming;Han Zhongyang;Yu Changwei(Fujian Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《勘察科学技术》 2022年第2期1-5,共5页 Site Investigation Science and Technology
基金 福建省住房和城乡建设行业2020年第二批科学技术计划项目(2020-k-126)
关键词 物联网 数据源 数据库 实时自动采集 云平台 internet of things data source database real time automatic collection cloud platform
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