在竣工很久以后,我再次造访了Small House(2010年完工的私人住宅)。我发现之前被置于半地下卧室的金属床被收纳进了储存空间中。询问后得知,因为夏天下层较凉爽,所以大家在卧室中睡觉,而冬天暖空气上升并聚集在三层,于是全家人便都在这里铺床共眠。坦率地说,这是一种我以前从未想象过的居住方式。在这个约60m^(2)的小住宅中,住户像动物一样跟随季节和气候的变化移动着起居生活,这让我感到十分惊讶,从那以后我开始思考建筑与时间的关系。
A while after its completion,I revisited Small House(a personal residence completed in 2010).I noticed that the metal bed previously placed in the semi-basement bedroom had been moved to storage.I learned that in summer,the lower level's coolness prompts the family to sleep in the bedroom,while in winter,the warm air rises and gathers on the third floor,leading the entire family to sleep together there.Frankly,this was a living style I had never imagined before.In this small house of about 60m^(2),the inhabitants move their living spaces with the seasons and climate changes like animals,which I found astonishing.Since then,I have been contemplating the relationship between architecture and time.
Architecture Technique