
设置耗能竖缝的装配式RC剪力墙抗震性能试验研究 被引量:1

Experimental research on seismic behavior of precast reinforced concrete shear walls with energy-dissipating vertical joints
摘要 装配式剪力墙结构的接缝是影响其抗震性能的关键因素,尤其是纵墙和横墙交接处,其连接性能对整体结构的抗震性能影响很大。因此,提出将金属阻尼器设置于纵横墙交接处的竖缝中,形成带耗能竖缝的装配式T形或L形截面剪力墙,并制作了2个T形截面剪力墙和2个L形截面剪力墙,设计轴压比分别为0.1和0.3。通过低周往复荷载试验,分析装配剪力墙的承载能力、刚度、滞回性能和耗能性能等。结果表明:装配式T形和L形截面剪力墙整体工作性能良好,阻尼器实现了耗能,提高了结构的抗震性能,起到了连接墙肢的作用,翼缘墙受拉时承载力较高、刚度大,翼缘墙受压时延性较好;T形剪力墙的翼缘尺寸较大,其承载力也比L形截面剪力墙高;提高剪力墙的轴压比可提高其承载能力,但应考虑阻尼器屈服力对单片墙肢轴压比的改变对整体剪力墙产生的影响。 The joint of the precast reinforced concrete shear wall structure is the key factor affecting its seismic performance.The performance of joint between longitudinal walls and lateral walls has great influence on the structure.Therefore,the damper was arranged in the vertical joint to form the T-shaped or L shaped precast shear wall with energy-dissipating vertical joint.Two T-shaped specimens and two L-shaped specimens were fabricated,and the design axial compression ratios were 0.1 and 0.3.The low cyclic loading test was applied to analyze load bearing capacity,stiffness,hysteretic performance and energy dissipation performance etc.The results show that the T-shaped and L-shaped shear walls have good performance.The dampers realize energy dissipation,improve the seismic performance of the structure,and play a role of connecting the wall limbs.The bearing capacity and stiffness are higher when the flange wall is in tension,whereas the ductility is better when the flange wall is in compression.The form of the flange also affects the bearing capacity and deformation performance.Increasing the axial compression ratio can improve the bearing capacity of the specimens,but the influence of the damper yield force on the axial compression ratio of the specimen should be considered.
作者 王宇亮 何斌 张玉敏 李祥 庞豹 WANG Yuliang;HE Bin;ZHANG Yumin;LI Xiang;PANG Bao(College of Civil and Architectural Engineering,North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210,China;Earthquake Engineering Research Center of Hebei Province,Tangshan 063009,China;School of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300401,China)
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S02期133-141,共9页 Journal of Building Structures
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51678237) 河北省建设科技研究计划(2020-05-02)
关键词 装配式剪力墙 耗能竖缝 金属阻尼器 低周往复荷载试验 抗震性能 precast shear wall energy-dissipating vertical joint damper low cyclic loading test seismic performance
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