
价值与异化岂能无缘?——回复《“劳动决定价值”不是劳动异化的结果》 被引量:2

How Can Value and Alienation Be Separated?——Reply to “Labor Determines Value” Is Not the Result of Labor Alienation
摘要 《"劳动决定价值"是劳动异化的结果》发表后,有人给予了批评并提出了以下观点:(1)商品经济的前提不是私有制而是产权;(2)商品经济与劳动异化没有必然联系;(3)马克思从没说过"价值不是实体";(4)价值的实体性不容置疑;(5)人力的决定作用丝毫没有改变;(6)自然力取代不了人力;(7)用异化理论说明价值关系没有必要。针对上述观点,笔者回复如下:把产权关系永恒化,不是马克思的逻辑;商品交换者"必须彼此承认对方是私有者",任何社会均不例外;原始社会的经济不是商品经济,而是自然经济;异化现象是否"已经退出了历史舞台",不能仅凭想象;只要劳动需借助价值关系来表现自己,异化就不会消亡;马克思明确指出,价值与"商品的物体实在性毫无关系";在唯物主义语境中,物质与实体是等价的概念,"物体实在性"就是"实体";劳动不等于价值,"物化劳动"不是"具体劳动";未来多数人的智力活动将不再用于谋生劳动之中,而是越来越多地用于乐生活动之中;"劳动不再是财富生产的决定因素"并非笔者发明,而是马克思的预言;在"要素价值论"已成主流的今天,异化理论有助于理解"劳动决定价值"的科学性。 After the publication of"‘Labor Determines Value’Is the Result of Labor Alienation,"some people criticized it and put forward the following views.(1)The premise of commodity economy is not private ownership but property right.(2)There is no necessary connection between commodity economy and labor alienation.(3)Marx never said"value is not entity."(4)There is no doubt about the substantiality of value.(5)The decisive role of manpower has not changed at all.(6)Natural force cannot replace manpower.(7)It is not necessary to explain the value relationship with the theory of alienation.In view of the above opinions,the author replies as follows:it is not Marx’s logic to make the property right relationship permanent;commodity exchangers"must recognize each other as private proprietors,"and no society is an exception;the economy of primitive society is not commodity economy,but natural economy;whether the alienation phenomenon"has exited the stage of history"cannot depend only on imagination;as long as labor needs to express itself with the help of value relations,alienation will not disappear;Marx clearly pointed out that value has nothing to do with the object reality of goods;in the context of materialism,substance and entity are equivalent concepts,and"object reality"is"entity";labor is not equal to value,"materialized labor"is not"concrete labor";in the future,most people’s intellectual activities will no longer be used to make a living,but increasingly used to live happily;"labor is no longer the decisive factor of wealth production"is not the author’s invention,but Marx’s prediction;today,when the theory of factor value has become the mainstream,the theory of alienation helps to understand the scientific nature of"labor determines value."
作者 赵磊 Zhao Lei
出处 《政治经济学研究》 2021年第2期150-160,共11页 Chinese Journal of Political Economics
关键词 劳动价值论 异化劳动 商品经济的前提 私有制 价值实体 物化劳动 自然力 Labor Theory of Value Alienated Labor The Premise of Commodity Economy Private Ownership Value Entity Materialized Labor Natural Force
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