

Analysis of technical mode of solar thermal utilization in Europe
摘要 自2018年开始,欧洲经济发达国家集中促进减少耗能及二氧化碳排放。对太阳能热利用在欧洲的技术模式分析,旨在为我国的村镇级太阳能梯级热利用提供借鉴。借助分析这些国家的低碳能源供应格局,发现欧洲以小村镇化为代表的人居结构不同于我国巨大型城市群结构,在能源领域突出表现为与冬季供热供暖形式相结合的分散型低碳建筑的快速发展。此外,通过欧洲区域的太阳能热利用应用分析,认为推广太阳能热利用的关键先决条件是要减少太阳能加热元件成本,并要改善其效率来增加二次利润。长期来看太阳能光热利用方式是最经济且最可靠的。 The developed countries in European economy countries have focused on promoting energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions reduction since 2018.The technical model analysis of solar thermal utilization in Europe is intended to provide reference for rural solar cascade thermal utilization in China.By analyzing the low-carbon energy supply pattern in these countries,it is found that the residential structure represented by small villages in Europe is different from large urban agglomerations in China.In the energy field,it is highlighted by the rapid development of decentralized low-carbon buildings combined with heating and heating in winter.In addition,through the analysis of solar thermal application in Europe,it is believed that the key prerequisite for promotion of solar thermal utilization is to reduce the cost of solar heating elements and improve the efficiency to increase secondary profits.Solar thermal utilization is the most economical and reliable way in the long run.
作者 刘斌 王者华 管江勇 刘畅 LIU Bin;WANG Zhehua;GUAN Jiangyong;LIU Chang(Qingdao Economic and Technology Development Zone Haier Water-Heater CO.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266100;State Key Laboratory of Digital Household Appliances,Qingdao 266100)
出处 《家电科技》 2022年第S01期382-385,共4页 Journal of Appliance Science & Technology
关键词 太阳能 热利用 可再生能源 低碳技术 Solar energy Heat utilization Renewable energy Low carbon technology
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