
骨桥蛋白与胆道系统结石 被引量:1

Osteopontin and cholelithiasis
摘要 胆道系统结石常引发胆道感染甚至胆道系统恶性肿瘤,目前尚缺乏有效防治措施。胆道系统结石形成原因复杂,遗传、环境、微生物等多因素共同参与其中。骨桥蛋白(OPN)是一种磷酸化非胶原蛋白,拥有多种不同的功能区域而呈现多样化的功能,在不同物种的不同组织细胞中均有表达,参与胆道系统结石的形成。该文通过阐述OPN在胆道系统结石形成中的作用,为进一步研究其作用机制提供理论基础。 Cholelithiasis often leads to biliary tract infection and even malignant tumor of the biliary system,but there is no effective prevention and treatment measure available.The causes of cholelithiasis are complex.Genetic,environmental and microbiological factors are involved in the formation of cholelithiasis.Osteopontin(OPN)is a acid non collagenase protein,which has many different functional areas and shows various functions.It is expressed in different tissues and cells of different species and participates in the formation of gallstones in the biliary system.In this paper,the role of OPN in the formation of cholelithiasis is discussed,which provides data for further study of the mechanism of OPN in the formation of cholelithiasis.
作者 金昌国 凌晓锋 JIN Chang guo;LING Xiao feng(Department of General Surgery,Peking University Third Hospital,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《军事医学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第8期637-640,共4页 Military Medical Sciences
基金 北京市自然科学基金(7172233).
关键词 骨桥蛋白 胆道系统结石 胆汁 成核 osteopontin cholelithiasis bile nucleation
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