There have been several types of medicine throughout India's history:āyurveda known for its ancient foundations,some exchanges with Greek medicine in the last centuries before the Common Era and a system called siddha which originated in Tamil Nadu from the beginning of the Christian era.Āyurveda is the earliest type of medicine to appear.The source that informs us about it is almost entirely written in Sanskrit.The fundamentally religious Vedic texts have an early anatomical and medical vocabulary and expressed theoretical ideas about the nature of the human person,including the idea of a continuity of the matter of the universe and that of the human body.Around the Christian era,the classicalāyurveda is attested in two large,specifically medical works:Susruta-saṃhitāand Carakasaṃhitā.These two long texts are presented as the culmination of medical activity combining observation and theory.Moreover,they propose an epistemology for the use of physicians.After some historical contextualization,the article will examine the ideas presented in these two works on the following topics:Firstly,ideas about the constitution of the body and the human person which are often partial adaptations of medicine from the philosophical systems known as Samkhya and Vaisesika that were formed at the same time.Secondly,the physiological theory of the three elements-breath,phlegm,bile-considered by the physician in relation to the state of good health and illness.Thirdly,epistemology and deontology specific to the physician in his or her cultural and religious context.
Journal of Social History of Medicine and Health