本文旨在了解抗孕-53及其类似物SIPPR-113对着床期及阉割后小鼠子宫内膜形态的影响。选用ICR成年雌小鼠,实验分两部分进行。一、交配后小鼠。按抗着床最小有效剂量处理动物。二、切除卵巢后小鼠。按上述剂量的1/4~1/2处理动物。并与雌二醇及黄体酮进行对比。全部小鼠子宫用石蜡及Epon 812包埋,制备组织学切片、半薄切片(1μm)及超薄切片,光镜和电镜下观察。得到一致的结果:抗孕-53及SIPPR-113能促进小鼠子宫内膜发育及腺体生长,细胞核有丝分裂增多,并引起子宫及基质水肿。在第一部分实验中能抑制一部分着床期腺体的分泌。电镜图像中显示内膜细胞中溶酶体较多,并可见脂滴,少数基质细胞中微丝较多。SIPPR-113显示出与抗孕-53相似的作用,此二化合物具有雌激素样作用。
In this paper attempt has been made to observe the effect of Anordrin and its analogue SIPPR-113 on the morphological characters of uterine endometrium in mice implantation period and after castration.100 mice were used in two experiments.The first experiment was performed in mice after mating,it included 5 groups as follows:control,estradial,progesterone,Anordrin and SIPPR-113 groups.The mice were treated with least doses(2-4mg/kg)which can prevent implantation on dayl-2 after mating.The animals were killed on the 5th day of pregnancy.The second,experiment contained also 5 groups:mature female mice were treated with 1/4-1/2 of above doses on the 25-26th day and were killed on the 29th day after castration.The uterine endometrium was embedded with paraffin and Epon812,histological sections and semi-thin sections(1ftm thick)and ultra-thin sections were made.They were observed under light microscope and electron microscope(Hitachi-600).Similar results were obtained in the two series of experiments.The endometrium had grown obviously and the numbers of glands and of cell’s mitosis were increased,edema was indicated in stroma,as well as secretory function of glands was prevented period of implantation.Some lysosomes and lipid drops were found in the glandular cells and micro-filaments were observed in stromal cells under electron microscope.The effect of SIPPR-113 were similar to Anordrin,their anti-implantation action may be related to their estrogen and anti-progestrone action.Acknowledgement:This work was supported by WHO Special Programme in Human Reproduction.
Li Shuxiang;Yuanyao(Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research,Shanghai)
Acta Anatomica Sinica