The afferent connections of the parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus werestudied in 36 albino rats by the method of the retrograde axonal transport of HRP.The nuclear groups that project into the parafascicular nucleus are demonstratedas follows:1.The reticular formation of the brain stem,including nucleus cuneifor-mis,nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis,etc.;2.the griseum centrale mesencephali;3.The nuclei raphe,mainly nucleus raphe dorsalisand nucleus raphe magnus;4.The labeled cells were consistently found in some ofthe sensory nuclei,especially in nucleus trigemini caudalis;5.The nucleus of locuscoeruleus and subcoeruleus;6.The dentate nucleus of the cerebellum;7.The reticu-lar part of the substantia nigra;8.Nucleus ruber;9.Some of the diencephalicnuclei,chiefly The zone incerta and nucleus ventromedialis of the hypothalamus and10.The cerebral cortex.
Acta Anatomica Sinica