This paper presented a detailed observation on the morphological patterns of thearterial origin and the microcirculation in the parietal pleura of children andinfants.Specimens after injections with Chinese ink and red latex,dissection underbinocular microscope,clearing in toto and tissue-film preparation were observedSome tissue blocks were removed from different parts of the parietal pleura,sec-tioned,cleared and stained for microscopic examination and photomicrography.1.The parietal pleura is supplied by small arteries from several sources:intercostals,internal thoracic,inferior phrenic,bronchial,esophageal,thyrocervicaltrunk and branch from subclavian artery.2.The arterial branches which enter the parietal pleura may be divided intodirect and indirect ones.The direct branches are derived from the above mentionedarteries and their caliber is greater than that of the indrect branches.The indirectbranches are from the nutrient arteries of ribs,internal intercostal muscles,aorta,esophagus,and so on.In the region along the paravertebral line,or in the upperparts along the mid-axillary line and the mid-clavicular line,there are many directbranches entering the costal pleura;but the number of the arterial branches in agiven area is small.The vessel pattern within these costal pleurae manifests itself bya longer distance,coarser anastomoses,between branches,and wider primary arcade.But it is quite the contrary in the lower parts along the mid-axillary line and mid-clavicular line where the indirect branches are great in number and their caliber issmaller.3.The densest capillary networks were observed in the mediastinal pleura,in thecupula as well as in the costal pleura along the paravertebral line and the paras-ternal line,because a great number of vascular plexuses of the adipose tissue arelocated there.About the base of the pericardium and in the costal pleura along theparavertebral line,some adipose folds projecting into the pleural cavity and formingvascular processes contain arterial arcades and capillary loops(convolutes).4.In our ink injected preparation,Zweifach’s preferential channel is notfrequently seen.The majority of the capillary bed in the parietal pleura is the typewithout a parent stem.Collecting venules with a“carrot root”form can be observedin the cupula pleura.
Chen Yanglei(Department of Anatomy,Zhejiang Medical University)
Acta Anatomica Sinica