The blood-vessels,nerves and sizes of gluteus maximus muscle were studied in50 Chinese adult cadavers(43 males and 7 females).The dominant nutrient arteries of gluteus maximus are supplied by the superiorand inferior gluteal arteries,and the first perforating branch of the deepfemoralartery.The diameter of the superior gluteal artery,which emerges from the upper borderof the piriformis muscle,averages 3.14±0.80mm,and the surface representation ofthis artery situates at the middle point of the vertical line drawn from ischialtuberosity to the iliac crest,with 84%just on the vertical line.Among the 100 cases of gluteus maximus investigated,there are only 96 caseswith inferior gluteal artery.The diameter of the inferior gluteal artery,which emergesfrom the lower edge of the piriformis muscle,averages 3.52±0.74mm,the surfacerepresentation of this artery situates at the junction of the lower and middle thirdof the line mentioned above and medial to it,at a distance averageing 15.29±0.45mm.According to the distribution of the superior and inferior gluteal arteries,wehave divided them into five types:TypeⅠ67 cases(67%),TypeⅡ18 cases(18%).TypeⅢ9 cases(9%),TypeⅣ4 cases(4%)and TypeⅤ2 cases(2%).We have observed the accompanying veins of gluteus maximus in 40 cases,Among them,there are 32 cases(80%)of the superior gluteal artery with twoaccompanying veins,and 8 cases(20%)with only one accompanying vein.There are35 cases(87.5%)of the inferior gluteal artery with two accompanying veins,and 5cases(12.5%)with only one accompanying vein.The gluteus maximus is supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve.Among the 40cascs investigated,24 cases(60%)are with two branches of this nerve,8 cases(20%)with only one branch and 8 cases(20%)with three branches.Their diameter averages1.69±0.05mm and length averages 62.78±2.16mm.
Ding Yongshan;Xiong Shuming;Zhang Shenggui;Liu Longping(Department of Anatomy,Jiangxi Medical College)
Acta Anatomica Sinica