Ultrastructural observations on human spermatozoa preserved by 3%glutaraldehyde and prepared by freeze-etch replica techniques were carried out.The results were as follows:1.According to the structural features,the head of human sperm may be divided into three distinct different regions,namely,fore-head,mid-head and hind-head.This regional distinction may represent the functional differences.2.Regional difference of the intramembranous particles of the inner-and outer-leaflets of the plasma membrane was also revealed.The intramembranous particle is very rich in the fore-head region of inner-leaflet.However,the mid-bead region is very smooth and there are only a few particles attached on its fractured face,but groups of extrinsic membrane particles can be seen on its inner plasma-face.As for the hind-head region the inner-and outer-leaflets of the unit membrane contact closely with each other and attach tightly to the nuclear membrane.It is suggested that this structure is prerequisite for attaching the tail to the head firmly.The PF-face of sperm tail pla-sma membrane is rich in particles but without special pattern in arrangement.3.The acrosome is extremely large,almost 8/10~9/10 of the nuclear surface is covered by it,its posterior margin sometimes is described as“posterior ring”.Two distinc-tive parts may be seen on the acrosome:The fore-acrosome,which corresponds to the fore-head region,is rich in membrane particles.It looks plump in appearance and is filled up with content.There is also pore-like structure at the internal membrane of the acrosomal cap.The hind-acrosome part,corresponds to the mid-head region.There are less particles than the fore-acrosome part.Its external and internal membranes contact with each other and it looks lean in features.4.The polarity of the nucleus is very obvious.On the anterior part of the nucleus the nuclear pores are distributed irreglarly,and in the middle part there is no pore,but in the posterior part the nuclear pores are large and arranged closely as regular hexagonal arrays.A hypothesis is proposed that the anterior part of the nucleus may regulate the activity of acrosomal hydrolase by chemical message which is presumably produced by the chromosome and transfered from the nuclear pore through the pore of the acrosomal membrane into the cavity of the acrosome.The posterior part of the nucleus is thought to be the place where the chemical message,which may be the pro-duct of a particular gene,is transfered through the nuclear pores to the tail,and it can adiust the absolutely synchronous movement of the axial microfilarnents and modulate the oxidation phosphorylation and energy-release of the mitochondria.
Lei Jianzhang;Ying Guohua;Li Xiangyin;Li Shurong;Zhao Yuzhen(Hebei Medical Collage,Hebei,China)
Acta Anatomica Sinica