Certain nerve cells in the central nervous system and especially in the trapezoid nucleus as examined under electron microscope show characteristic infoldings of the nuclear membrane.The infolding formations may appear as deep invaginations or as simple depressions and indentations along the border of the nucleus.Substances in the lumen of the invaginations of the nuclear membrane consist of profiles of endoplasmic reticulum and clusters of dense particles,which are regarded as ribonucleoprotein similar to that found in the cytoplasm.Large spherical dense bodies containing electron-opaque fine grains suggesting lysosomes have occasionally been found in the invagination.Aggregates of various sized spherical vacuoles of unknown nature are also present.Whenever there is a deep invagination of the nuclear membrane there is almost al-ways a large concentration of mitochondria around its opening.Mitochondria,however,have rarely been found in the depth of the nuclear invagination.The pockets formed by shallow depressions and indentations of the nuclear membrane are often loaded with clustered ribosomes,granular endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria,Clumps of nucleo-lar substances and some of the infoldings of the nuclear membrane.deep or shallow,tend to approach each other.The infoldings of the nuclear membrane of certain nerve cells are thought to be a dynamic change occurring periodically throughout life as a physiological process concerned with the biosynthesis of Nissl substance.
CHANG HSIANG-TUNG;YEH YUNG(Institute of Physiology,Academia Sinica,Shanghai)
Acta Anatomica Sinica