Fifty-six adult albino rats weighing between 150--200 gm were used for the experi-ments.After resection of the interparietal bone,a portion of cortical tissues was remo-ved from the central lobe of the cerebellum.To some of them a piece of cotton wasleft at the wound serving as a stimulator.The animals were sacrified 2,3,4,5,6,and 7days after operation and specimens of the cerebellar tissues were removed from the woun-ded area and fixed in Carnoy’s fluid.Paraffin serial sections 6μthick were stainedwith hemztoxylin-eosin.For RNA of Nissl bodies and DNA of chromosomes,bothKorson’s toluidine blue-methyl green-orange G and Brachet’s pyronin-methyl green me-thods were used.3--5 days or 3--6 days(with cotton)after operation,prophase,me-taphase and anaphase of Purkinje cells in mitosis were found,among which metaphasewas the most numerous.It was suggested that the cotton,acting as foreign body,couldstimulate mitotic activity when it was applied to the wound.Basing on the location,shape and size of the cells undergo divisions,it leaves nodoubt that they are none other than Purkinje cells in mitosis.
CHANG HAN-CHI;LIU MO-TANG(Shangtung Medical College,Tse-nan)
Acta Anatomica Sinica