The manner of branching of the proper hepatic artery,its relationship with sur-rounding structures and the source of origin of the left,right and middle hepatic ar-teries were examined in 50 Chinese child cadavers.The proper hepatic artery was found in 45 cases with 5 cases devoid of this artery.In the 45 cases the proper hepatic artery divided itself into a left and a right hepatic artery in 37 cases(74%);a right and a middle hepatic artery in 2 cases(4%)and in 1 case each(2%each)into a left and a middle or a left,a right and in addition a middle hepatic artery.In the remaining 4 cases the proper hepatic artery was either continued into the middle(1 case,2%)or the right(1 case,2%)or the left(2 cases,4%)hepatic artery.The proper hepatic artery was situated on the left side of the portal vein in 17 cases(34%);left and anterior to this vein 16 cases(32%)and in front of it in 8 cases(16%).The point of division of the proper hepatic artery was on the left side of the common bile duct in 32 cases(64%).In the 50 cadavers there were 52 right hepatic arteries,2 of which being the acces-sory right hepatic arteries derived from the left hepatic or the gastroduodenal artery.In the remaining 50 cases,those derived from the proper hepatic artery comprised the most of the cases(39 cases,78%),others were from the common hepatic artery(4 cases,8%)or the superior mesenteric artery(3 cases,6%).There were 7 cases in which the artery was derived from the superior mesenteric artery(3 cases,6%).The number of the left hepatic artery was 57,of which 7 being the accessory type,derived from the left gastric(4 cases,8%)or the right hepatic(3 cases,6%).The origin of 50 left hepatic arteries was mainly from the proper hepatic artery(38 cases,76%)or the common hepatic artery(5 cases,10%).The remaining 7 cases were derived from the left gastric artery(5 cases,10%).The middle hepatic artery was found in 341 cases(82%)derived either from the left hepatic(24 cases,48%)or the right hepatic artery(13 cases,26%).Only few arose from other sources.The branching of the proper hepatic artery was classified into 9 types;the first type comprised the majority of the cases(30 cases,60%),in which the left and right hepatic arteries were derived from the proper hepatic or common hepatic artery with the middle hepatic artery derived from the left,right or the proper hepatic artery.
YU PING-HWEI(Kiangsu Medical College,Soochow)
Acta Anatomica Sinica