Having examined the sectioned and stained brain material of the representatives ofthe main orders of the mammalian class,I recognize three routes by which the mesen-cephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve in the broad sense is connected to the cerebellum.Through the anterior medullary velum,these sensory ganglionic cells attain to thecerebellar basis,the roof plate of the fourth ventricle,the fastigial nucleus and the cortexof the nodulus.Rostrally the cells of this nucleus are deeply stationed in the side-wall of the fourthventricle;their central processes course posteriorly along the outer margin of the centralgray matter.The fibers from the main nucleus sweep dorsally around into the fastigialnucleus and the cerebellar medulla;and a few sensory cells strewn along this route.Suchsensory cells may also migrate into the cerebellum in company with the nucleus coeruleusand possibly also with the brachium conjunctivum.Through the medial,lateral and possibly superior vestibular nuclei the cells of themesencephalic nucleus are scattered along to the cerebellum,its dentate nucleus in parti-cular.Besides the trigeminal nerve,the mesencephalic nucleus is also related to the oculo-motor,trochlear,abducent,facial,glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves,their motor nucleiand the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata.It is neither affiliated specifically tothe trigeminus nor confined to the midbrain.The"mesencephalic nucleus of the trige-minus"is thus a long misnomer.Collectively it is a rarefied group of primary sensorycells oddly inclosed in the central nervous system.These centrally situated sensory cells conduct proprioceptive and exteroceptive impu-lses chiefly from the jaw muscles and the associated skin and mucous membrane.Theirconnections with the cerebellum afford the latter with the necessary afferent data for itscoordination of the feeding activity in progress.Besides,these sensory cells are appar-ently concerned also with the regulation of the movements of the eye,ear,nose,mouth,pharynx and larynx and possibly of the neck.There exist on the cerebellar cortex proprioceptive and exteroceptive projection fieldsfor the head region;this physiological finding gains some morphological support fromwhat has been elucidated in the present study.
TSANG YÜ-CHÜAN(Department of Human Anatomy,Peking Medical College)
Acta Anatomica Sinica