The uterus of the virgin albino mouse,aged 2—3 months,was observed microscopically atvrious stages of the estrous cycle.The techniques used for the demonstration of ribonucleic acid(RNA),desoxyribonucleic acid(DNA),glycogen,mucous substance,alkaline and acid phosphatasesand lipoid substances were the same as my previous report on the histochemical observations of themouse vagina.RNA in the epithelial lining,uterine gland,connective cells and muscle cells was increased inthe proestrus and estrus and decreased in the metaestrus and dioestrus.The epithelial cells gavemore pronounced changes.DNA in the mouse uterus also gave cyclic changes.The Feulgenreaction of the epithelial nuclei were weak in the late metaestrus and dioestrus and intensifiedin the proestrus and estrus.These nuclei were large in size and filled with coarse chromatin gra-nules.In the early metaestrus,the nuclei were smaller and narrower and filled with dense andfine chromatin granules.In the early metaestrus,and particularly in the late metaestrus,Feulgenpositive granules of different sizes appeared in tht cytoplasm of the lining epithelium.These cy-toplasmic chromatin granules were considered to be disintegrated nuclear material.The glycogen in the uterus was very conspicuous in the late metaestrus mainly due to the infil-tration of the glycogen bearing white blood corpuscles.In tht proestrus and estrus,glycogen granuleswere found in the cytoplasm of the epithelial and connective tissue cells but not in the white blood cor-puscles.Muscle glycogen was more conspicuous in the proestrus and estrus.The uterine epithelium began to show mucous reaction in the proestrus and became strong inthe estrus.Mucous substance was found in the lumen instead of the epithelium in the earlymetaestrus.The activity of the alkaline and acid phosphatases in the uterine epithelium was weak in thedioestrus,stronger in the proestrus and maximal in the estrus and early metaestrus.Thelongitudinal muscle manifested stronger activity than the circular layer,but the former failed togive evident cyclic change while the latter showed a similar cyclic changes as that of the epitheLium.The lipoid substances in the uterine epithelium was smallest in amount in the proestrus andestrus and greatest in the metaestrus and dioestrus.The lipoid granules were mainly located inthe subnuclear region of the surface epithelium.
YU I(Department of Experimental Morphology,Acadcmia Medica Sinica,Peking)
Acta Anatomica Sinica