This study is made of the changes in the vagina of virgin albino mouse,aged 2-3 months,at various stages of the estrous cycle determined by vaginalsmear.Carnoy fixation followed by diluted methyl green-pyronin stain was used for desoxyribonucleic(DNA)and ribonucleic acid(RNA).Carnoy fixa-tion followed by periodic acid-Schiff reagent was used for the demonstrationof glycogen and mucous substance saliva digestion being used for the differen-tiation of these two polysaccharides.The alkaline and acid phosphatases werestained respectively by Danielli’s and MacDonald’s modifications of Gomori’smethods.Formal sodium chloride fixation followed by Sudan black stain wasused for lipoid substance.RNA in the vaginal epithelium increases in the proestrus and estrus anddecreases in late metaestrus and dioestrus.The degree of intensity shown by the pyronin stain speaks for a progres-sive decrease of RNA from deep to superficial layers.Epithelium of the wallof the vagina shows higher RNA content than that of the fornix region.Indioestrus,the nuclei in the deep layers of the epithelium are vesicular withsmall amount of chromatin material while in estrus they are larger with moreand coarse chromatin granules.Glycogen in the vaginal epithelium shows a slight increase in estrus,butdecreases again in early metaestrus.Epithelium in the fornix region containsmore glycogen granules than that of the vaginal wall.The invasion of gly-cogen bearing leucocytes in late metaestrus makes the epithelial layer rich inglycogen.Mucous substance in the superficial layers of the vaginal epithelium beginsto appear in dioestrus.The mucous cells are increased in layers,enlarged insize and finally desquamated in the proestrus.Mucus formation in the fornixregion is complete in estrus and the cells desquamate in early metaestrus.The activity of the alkaline and acid phosphatases is in general weak indioestrus,more evident in proestrus and maximal in estrus and metaestrus.It is weakened thereafter.The epithelium in the fornix region manifests higheractivity than that from the rest of the vaginal wall.The deeper layers and themucous layers show more intense reaction for the phosphatases.In proestrus,lipoid granules can be located in the basal,cornified andmucous layers of the stratified squamous epithelium.They are confined to theformer two layers in the estrus and early metaestrus and disappeared in thelate metaestrus.
YU I(Department of Experimental Morphology,Academia Medica Sinica,Peking)
Acta Anatomica Sinica