An investigation made on the common hepatic artery of 112 cadavers showedthat the common hepatic artery arises from the coeliac axis in 94.64±2.1%,from the superior mesenteric artery in 5.36±2.1%.It divides into the properhepatic artery and the gastroduodenal artery.The proper hepatic artery dividesinto left and right hepatic arteries in 63.39±4.5%;into left,middle and righthepatic arteries in 11.61±3.0%;it is absent in 25.00±4.7%.The normal righthepatic artery originates from the normal proper hepatic artery in 70.54±4.3%;from the coeliac common hepatic aretry in 16.79±3.5%;the right hepatic arteryarises from the other arteries in 12.50±3.1%;accessory right hepatic arteryis noted in 8.93±2.6%.The normal left hepatic artery arises from the proper hepatic artery in70.50±4.3%;from the coeliac common hepatic artery in 18.75±3.6%.The re-placing type of left hepatic artery is seen in 10.71±2.9%;accessory left hepaticartery is noted in 25.00±4.0%.The middle hepatic artery arises from the lefthepatic artery in 43.75±4.6%;from the right hepatic artery in 30.35±4.3%;from the proper hepatic artery in 14.29±3.3%;the middle hepatic artery arisesfrom the other arteries in 4.46±1.9%.The gastroduodenal artery arises fromthe normal common hepatic artery in 90.17±2.8%;from the superior mesentericartery in 4.46±1.9%;from the right hepatic artery in 4.46±1.9%;it is absentin 0.89±0.84%.The right gastric artery arises from the proper hepatic arteryin 31.00±4.6%;from the left hepatic artery in 22.00±4.1%;from the gastroduo-denal artery in 25.00±4.2%;the right gastric artery arises from other arteriesin 22.00±4.1%.The location and course of the hepatic arteries to the bile ductsystem were discussed.
CHANG NIAN-CHIA(Department of Human Anatomy,Kiangsi Medical College,Nanchang)
Acta Anatomica Sinica