The long bones of the fore and hind limbs of 1-day and 5-day new born mice werefixed in Zenker’s 10%neutral formalin and Carnoy’s fixatives.They were sectionedwithout decalcification and stained in Mallory for general structure,in McLean&Bloom’smodification of Kossa for calcification and in periodic acid-Schiff’s reagent for glycogenrespectively.It was found that in the humerus the length of the cartilaginous cell columns,thedegree of calcification in the cartilaginous matrix and the extension of the subperiostealcollar in the cartilaginous level were all more extensive in the proximal end than that of thedistal.The situation was the opposite in the case of femurus.The development in theproximal ends of the radius and ulna were less extensive than the distal.On the otherhand,the proximal ends of the tibia and fibula were more extensive than the distal.Hence,the increase in length of the fore limb would be mainly in the shoulder and wrist jointswhile that of the hind limb in the knee joint.The distribution of glycogen in the chondrocytes was found to be more abundantin the transitional zone between the flattened and hypertrophied cell columns.Thesignificance of this distribution in relation to phophatases,nutrition and calcification wasdiscussed.
TING CHAO-LING(Department of Anatomy,Chinese Union Medical College,Peking)
Acta Anatomica Sinica