

The Regional Coordinated Development and the Realization of Common Prosperity in Resource-based Areas
摘要 高质量发展阶段促进区域协调发展、扎实推动共同富裕是我国重要的区域发展战略,区域协调发展是实现共同富裕的要求和重要路径。本文以资源型地区为研究对象,在界定和概括区域协调发展、共同富裕的一般内涵及两者相关性的基础上,归纳了资源型地区区域协调发展和共同富裕的特殊内涵及两者关系的特殊性。生产要素流动受基础设施、体制机制、中心城市功能影响显著,比较优势减弱、产业分工低端,城市群内部差异较大,发展机会与基本公共服务均等化难度大,面临生态治理挑战,是资源型地区区域协调发展的特殊内涵。城乡差距较大、公平与效率统一性不足、就业及生态问题突出,是资源型地区实现共同富裕的特殊含义。以国家资源型经济转型综改试验区山西省为例分析发现,资源型地区区域协调发展存在生产要素流动不畅、产业分工低端、城市群中心城市辐射带动作用不强、基本公共服务均等化程度低等不足,导致经济增长速度放缓、城乡居民人均可支配收入及基本公共服务水平差距明显,共同富裕程度较低。据此提出积极推进生产要素市场化改革、发挥政府和市场作用提升产业分工角色、打造山西省中部城市群、促进基本公共服务均等化的建议。 It is an important regional development strategy in China to promote coordinated regional development and solid promotion of common prosperity at the stage of high quality development,and regional coordinated development is a requirement and important path to realize common prospenity.Taking resource-based regions as the research object,this paper defines and generalizes the general connotation of regional coordinated development and common prosperity and their correlation,and concludes the special connotation of regional coordinated development and common prosperity in resource-based regions and the particularity of their relationship.The flow of factors of production is significantly affected by infrastructure,institutions and mechanisms,and functions of central cities,with weakened comparative advantages,low-end industrial division of labor,large differences within urban agglomerations,diffculty in equalizing development opportunities and basic public services,and challenges in ecological govemnance.These are the special connotations of coordinated development of resource-based regions.The great gap between urban and rural areas,the lack of unity of fairness and efficiency,and the prominent problems of employment and ecology are the special meaning of common prosperity in resource-based areas,Production factors flow of common prosperity promoting effect was not significant,industrial division low-end outstanding influence on the co-construction and sharing,the development of equality of opportunity is the key to realize efficiency and fair unification,equal basic public services is the important guarantee of reducing the regional gap and realizing the co-construction and sharing and fairness and efficiency unification,ecological management is particularly important for full rich.These are the special manifestations of the correlation between regional coordinated development and common prosperity in resource-based areas.Taking Shanxi Province,a national pilot area for comprehensive reform of resource-based economic transformation,as an example,it is found that the regional coordinated development of resource-based regions has some shortcomings,such as poor flow of production factors,low-end industrial division of labor,weak radiation driving effect of central cities in urban agglomerations,and low level of equality of basic public services.As a result,the economic growth rate of Shanxi slows down,the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents and the level of basic public services are significantly different,and the degree of common prosperity is low.Some suggestions were put forward to actively promote the market-oriented reform of production factors,give play to the role of government and market to enhance the role of industrial division of labor,build the central url rban agglomeration in Shanxi Province,and promote the equalization of basic public services.
作者 李玲娥 李慧涛 胡壮程 石磊 许琴琴 Li Ling e;Li Hui tao;Hu Zhuang cheng;Shi Lei;Xu Qin qin(School of Economics,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics;Research Center of Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics;Changjiang Securities Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch)
出处 《经济理论与政策研究》 2022年第1期68-92,共25页
基金 山西省哲学社科规划重点课题“贯彻落实习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要指示——山西经济高质量转型发展的体制机制改革创新研究”(项目编号:2020ZD018) 山西省哲学社会科学规划课题“资源型经济转型背景下山西省现代化经济体系评价指标体系构建研究”(项目编号:2018B067) 人社部留学人员科技活动项目择优资助重点项目“资源型地区转型路径的中外比较研究——以山西省与德国鲁尔区为例”(项目编号:[2015]476) 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目“资源型地区转型的决策体制机制中外比较研究——以山西省与德国鲁尔区为例”(项目编号:2015-074) 山西省高等学校教学改革创新项目“《政治经济学》课程的教学理念创新与实践探索”(项目编号:J20220531)的资助
关键词 资源型地区 区域协调发展 共同富裕 山西省 Resource-based area regional coordinated development common prosperity Shanxi province
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