

National Government Disputes over Yellow River Course Restoration
摘要 1938年6月,为阻挡日军,国民政府下令掘开黄河郑州段南岸花园口渡口,转瞬即是泽国千里、灾民百万,在淮北地区形成大片黄泛区。受战时环境影响,决口非但未能堵合,反而持续扩大。抗战胜利后,豫皖苏三省纷纷请求堵筑缺口,国民政府将关系国本民命与国际观瞻的黄河归故工程视为战后复员之急务。然而,由于权限划分不明,加之经费捉襟见肘,面对巨额复堤拨款,行政院善后救济总署与水利委员会相互推诿,严重影响下游复堤工程。另有直接负责工程的水利部门依据实地勘测及相关水利经验,顾及地方秩序与财政状况,主张推迟堵口。但部分军方高层,基于政治、军事等方面的考量,不顾现实状况,一再催促河归故道。与此同时,军事斗争不断干扰堵复工作,不但施工安全无法保证,堤防石坝亦常遭破坏。种种纠葛直接左右了工程的进度与方向。 In order to stop the advance of Japanese invading forces,the National Government ordered in June 1938 the excavation of the Zhengzhou Garden Mouth(Huayuankou)Ferry on the south bank of the Yellow River(Huanghe River),resulting in an instant in a large Yellow River flooding area in the region of Huaibei,where millions of people fell victims.With the impact of wartime environment,the breaches were not closed,instead,they continued to expand.After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,the three provinces of Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu all demanded to have the breaches diked to restore the river to its previous course.The Yellow River restoration project was related to both national fate and international attention,so the National Government considered it an urgent task for postwar recovery.However,since authorities and duties were not clear,coupled with shortage of funds,and there were huge budget allocations required for the restoration,the Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and the Water Conservancy Commission prevaricated with each other,seriously affecting the progress of the downstream restoration project.Besides,water conservancy departments directly responsible for the project advocated postponing the project on basis of field investigations and relevant water conservancy experience and with consideration to local order and financial situation at the time.On the other hand,some senior military officers,based on political,military and other considerations,repeatedly urged the implementation of the restoration project in spite of the actual situation.At the same time,military struggle was constantly interfering with the restoration work,so not only could construction safety not be guaranteed,but dams and dykes were also frequently damaged.Various entanglements directly influenced the progress and direction of the project.
作者 杨丽倩 Yang Liqian(School of History,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230039)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2024年第1期62-71,共10页 Military History Research
基金 2018年国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“民国时期淮河流域灾害文献搜集、整理与数据库建设”(18ZDA196)
关键词 黄河归故 花园口 行政院善后救济总署 水利委员会 Yellow(Huanghe)River course restoration Huayuankou the Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration under Executive Yuan the Water Conservancy Commission
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