

Military Marching Speed in Song Dynasty
摘要 宋代作战,根据路程、路况和战场之需,对行军期限和速度有具体要求,战场上违期迟到者会被斩首。朝廷派兵要计程计时,防止拖延以及到达指定地点时气候与粮食收获季节不适合驻军。就陆路而言,宋朝常行军不求快而求稳,速度一般限制在日行30至60里的慢速;强行军则通常以日行100余里、200里的速度居多,更快速者,一日长途奔驰300里。辽金军队也执行日行30里的常规速度标准,但更多情况下的速度是日行200余里,紧急情况下能日行300里或更快的速度,金末甚至有负重日行300里的步兵。但在水路,宋代行军最快日行可达700余里,这是南宋的优势。总体上,辽金军队陆路行军速度比宋朝有一定优势。千军万马的奔驰,是历史行进的一种动态表现,其速度对历史进程不无影响。 In the Song Dynasty,there were specific requirements for military marching time and speed according to distances,road conditions and battlefield needs,and those who were late or delayed on the battlefield would be beheaded.When troops were sent by the imperial government,they needed to keep close watch on their schedules to prevent delays and to secure that the troops would arrive at the designated place when the weather and harvest season were fit for garrison.On the land,the army did not seek to march fast but safe,usually at normal speed which was generally limited to 30 to 60 li per day.The forced march was usually at the fast speed of 100 to 200 li per day,or even faster with as much as 300 li within a single day.The armies of Liao and Jin also had the regular marching speed standard of 30 li per day,but in more cases,their speed was lifted to more than 200 li per day and in emergencies to 300 li or more per day.Towards the end of Jin Dynasty,they even had infantry with heavy loads marching 300 li per day.In the water,however,the maximum speed of the Song forces could reach over 700 li per day,and that was a great strength for the Southern Song Dynasty.On the whole,the Liao and Jin armies had certain advantages over the Song in land marching speed.The galloping of thousands of troops was a dynamic manifestation of the progress of history,and its speed did cast an impact on the course of history.
作者 程民生 Cheng Minsheng(School of History and Culture,Henan University,Kaifeng,Henan 475001)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2024年第1期18-26,共9页 Military History Research
关键词 宋辽金 军队 常行军 强行军 速度 the dynasties of Song,Liao and Jin the armed forces normal-speed march forced march speed
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