

Military Horse Transport and Management in Sino-Burmese War in Qing Dynasty
摘要 乾隆朝清缅战争中云南本省绿营兵的一再失利,使其遭到朝廷弃用,以致省外官兵特别是骑乘马配备率较高的八旗兵被大量抽调至云南前线,再加上云南本省产马不多、军马倒毙率极高等原因,朝廷不得不扩大军马拨解的范围和规模。于是,四川、贵州、广西、广东、湖北、湖南等临近省份不仅要将其境内军营的大多数“现在实操马匹”解送至云南,而且在朝廷的谕令下也多次“代滇”采买、解送马匹。从乾隆三十二年至三十四年,各省共计为清军作战备办军马近10万匹。关于这些军马的解送、喂养以及在此过程中的损伤分赔方式,清朝均有相应的制度规定或事例可供遵循,各省的地方官府、官兵、民众以及前线的官兵都参与了军马的拨解和管理并被赋予一定责任,也同样为此分摊了部分成本。 The repeated defeats of the Yunnan Green Standard Army in the Sino-Burmese War during Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty led to the loss of trust of the imperial court in the Army soldiers of this province.Therefore,soldiers from other provinces,especially the Eight Banners with a high percentage of mounted horses,were transferred to the front line in Yunnan in large numbers.There were not adequate horses in local Yunnan Province and the death rate of military horses was extremely high,so the imperial government had to expand the scope and scale of military horse distribution.Neighboring provinces such as Sichuan,Guizhou,Guangxi,Guangdong,Hubei,and Hunan sent most of their horses from local military camps to Yunnan,and with royal orders from the imperial court purchased and transferred horses multiple times“on behalf of Yunnan”.From the 32nd to 34th year of Qianlong Period,nearly 100,000 horses were prepared for the Qing Army from all the provinces across the country.The Qing Dynasty had corresponding regulations or examples to follow for the transport and feeding of military horses,and also had compensation methods for horse injuries and losses in the process.Local authorities,servicemen,the public and soldiers at the front lines in different provinces were engaged in the transport and management of military horses and were entrusted with certain responsibilities,and they also shared part of the cost.
作者 张楠林 Zhang Nanlin(Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2023年第3期22-30,共9页 Military History Research
关键词 乾隆朝 清缅战争 军马 拨解 管理 西南边疆 Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty the Sino-Burmese War military horses horse transport and management southwest frontier of China
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