

Several Historical Facts Concerning Fenli Highway Ambush
摘要 1938年9月八路军第343旅在汾离公路对来往的日军连续发起了3次伏击战,击退了日军对陕甘宁边区的进犯。但长期以来,关于此次战斗的具体历史细节众说纷纭。根据中日文资料相互印证,可以确定被伏击日军为第109师团步兵第118旅团,三次战斗分别发生于9月份的14日、17日、20日,取得了歼敌800至1000余人的战果。然而,在20日的王家池战斗中,日军旅团长山口三郎少将死里逃生,不久又回到晋西继续率部进行侵略活动。汾离公路伏击战在后来的抗战史研究中并不引人注目,但对保卫陕北河防、建立晋西南根据地都起了重要作用。抗日战争既有已彪炳史册的典型战斗,也包括被历史尘埃掩盖、不为学界关注的抗战“神话”,还原历史,更应将这些众说纷纭的“神话”作为一个历史片段进行严谨细致的考证和研究。 In September 1938,Brigade 343 of the Eighth Route Army launched three consecutive ambushes against the Japanese invading army on Fenli Highway,repelling the Japanese invasion of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region.But different versions have long existed in historical details about those battles.According to the mutual verification of Chinese and Japanese documents,it can be confirmed that the ambushed Japanese troop was Brigade 118 of the 109th Infantry Division,and three battles occurred on September 14,17 and 20 respectively,killing 800 to 1,000 Japanese soldiers.However,in the battle of Wangjiachi on September 20,the Japanese brigade commander Major General Yamaguchi Saburo narrowly escaped death.He soon returned to West Shanxi and resumed his aggression in China.The Fenli Highway Ambush was not much noticed in later research in the resistance war history,but it played an important role in the defense of Huanghe River in northern Shaanxi and in the establishment of the base areas in southwest Shanxi.The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression covers not only well-known battles that have been recorded in history,but also those myth-like stories that have so far not attracted the attention of academic community.To have a faithful depiction of history,these stories should be regarded as fragments of historical facts for rigorous and meticulous research.
作者 王文文 张俊峰 Wang Wenwen;Zhang Junfeng(Research Center of Chinese Social History,Shanxi University,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030006)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2022年第6期95-107,共13页 Military History Research
基金 2019年国家社会科学基金抗战专项工程“山西抗日战争文献搜集整理与研究”(19KZD002)
关键词 汾离公路伏击战 吕梁三捷 八路军 343旅 杨勇 Fenli Highway ambush three victories in Lüliang the Eighth Route Army Brigade 343 Yang Yong
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