

Issues Related to Battle at Mount Wanglaopo in West Shanxi in Early Stage of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression——Based on Newly Discovered“Detailed Battle Report by 10th Squadron of 136th Infantry Regiment(First Chapter:At Mount Wanglaopo)”
摘要 全国抗战初期,八路军和国民党傅作义部相互配合,取得了晋西王老婆山战斗的胜利。结合相关资料尤其是新发现的日军战斗详报可知,王老婆山战斗发生的具体时间为1938年3月15日和16日,日军王老婆山警备队由几股日军组成,并非1个中队或大队。王老婆山战斗的主要战况,中日双方记载的较为详细,各有侧重,很多可以相互印证。然而在激烈的战争状态下,双方伤亡情况和中方取得的战果无法精确统计。本文对其进行考订,厘清了相关问题。 In the early days of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,the Eighth Route Army and the KMT troops of Fu Zuoyi cooperated with each other and won the victory in the Battle at Mount Wanglaopo in West Shanxi.Accord⁃ing to relevant materials,especially the newly discovered detailed report of the event which were written by Japanese invading soldiers,the battle took place on March 15 and 16,1938.The Japanese troops at Mount Wanglaopo were composed of several groups of Japanese soldiers,not one squadron or battalion.The main battle situation was recorded in detail by both China and Japan,with different focuses,many of which can be verified by each other.However,in the fierce state of war,casualties on both sides and the gains of the Chinese troops cannot be accurately counted.Study and examination of the materials clarifies relevant problems and enriches the military history research of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
作者 李成生 Li Chengsheng(School of Drama,Film and Television,Shanxi Normal University,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030031;Department of History and Culture,Lüliang University,Lishi,Shanxi 033000)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2022年第5期117-124,共8页 Military History Research
基金 2016年教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题“太行山和吕梁山抗战文献整理与研究”(16JZD035) 吕梁学院青年学术骨干支持计划(院政[2021]101号)
关键词 抗日战争 王老婆山战斗 日军战斗详报 八路军留守兵团 傅作义 the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Battle at Mount Wanglaopo Detailed Battle Report by Japanese invading troops stay⁃behind Corps of the Eighth Route Army Fu Zuoyi
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